Миролюбненський ліцей


Англійська мова

Л. Д. Турук



У пропонованому посібнику зібрані різноматні тестові завдання з граматики для самостійної роботи учнів, поточного, семестрового оцінювання знань та вмінь учнів молодших класів (3-4 класів).

    Цей матеріал стане у пригоді творчо працюючим учителям та учням.





    Навчання англійської мови у початковій школі надає учням можливість отримати уявлення про основні граматичні категорії мови, яка вивчається, розпізнавати відомий граматичний матеріал під час читання, писати слова, словосполучення, речення і тексти.

    Підвищення рівня знань вимагає засвоєння таких прийомів, форм і методів навчання, які стимулюють розвиток розумової діяльності учнів. Використання тестових завдань, як ефективного засобу перевірки знань є особливо актуальним сьогодні.

    Посібник містить тестові завдання, які дають можливість послідовно повторити програмовий граматичний матеріал, поглибити знання й уміння та навички виконання тестів. Тести виконуються шляхом альтернативного вибору правильного варіанту відповіді.

    Тестові завдання можна використовувати для самостійної роботи учнів, поточного семестрового оцінювання знань та вмінь учнів. Тестові завдання складені відповідно до чинної програми з англійської мови. Завдання у посібнику подано з урахуванням вікових особливостей школярів. За кожну правильну відповідь учні отримують 2 бали.




T H E  A R T I C L E

Put in a/ an

1.                 … cat, … dog, … egg, … address, … desk.

2.                 … eye, … flat, … apple, … yard, … day.

3.                 … umbrella, … man, … house, … dress, … pig.

4.                 … teacher, …eagle, … table, … bus, … bag.

5.                 … picture, … girl, … uncle, …doctor, … aunt.

6.                 … pen, … dog, … elephant, … infant, … bed,

 … bag.

Put in a/ an

1.                 … city, … ocean, … room, … bird, … rose,

 … dentist.

2.                 … idea, … man, … orange, … baby, … bank,

… cup.

3.                 … eye, … clock, … end, … country, … horse,

… duck.

4.                 … ice- cream, … doll, … yard, … party, … school.

5.                 … donkey, … airport, … hour, … game, … picture, … pupil.

6.                 … university, … window, … evening, … driver,

… artist.

Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary in these sentences

1.                 … desk- …big …desk- … big… grey …desk;

2.                 …pen- …good …pen- …good …red …pen;

3.                 …flat- …big …flat- …big …new …flat;

4.                 …dog- …nice …dog- …nice …clever …dog;

5.                 …apple- …tasty …apple- …tasty …juicy …apple;

6.                 …film- …interesting …film- … interesting …English …film

Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary

1.                 I see …man. … man is …doctor. … doctor is …kind.

2.                 I see …woman. …woman is … teacher. … teacher is …busy now.

3.                 I see …child. … child is …little. …child has …ball. …ball is …blue.

4.                 It is …car. …car is …smart.

5.                 It is …plate. …plate is …clean.

6.                 It is …spoon. …spoon is …dirty.

Put in a  or  the  where necessary

1.                 I have got …pencil. …pencil is …sharp.

2.                 It is …copybook. …copybook is … green.

3.                 It is …book. …book is …new.

4.                 It is …pen. … pen is …black.

5.                 There is …pear on … plate. …pear is …yellow.

6.                 It is … big … grey …cat. …cat has …little kitten.

Put in a/ an or the

1.                 I wrote to her but. …letter never arrived.

2.                 Britain is … old island.

3.                 What is ….. name of this village?

4.                 Jane is …. nice person. You must meet her.

5.                 Montreal is … large city in Canada?

6.                 What is … largest city in Canada ?

Put in a/ an or the

1.                 What time is it? I don’t know. I haven’t got…watch.

2.                 When I went to Rome. I stayed with …. Italian friend.

3.                 You look very tired. You need … holiday.

4.                 Don’t sit on …. floor. It’s very dirty.

5.                 Let’s go to … restaurant this evening. That’s …good idea.

6.                 Can you turn on … radio, please? I want to listen to music.

Put in a/ an or the

1.                 Tom is in … bathroom. He’s having … bath.

2.                 This is a nice room, but I don’t like …. colour of …. carpet.

3.                 We live in …. old house near …. station.

It’s two miles from …. centre.

4.                 My father is … engineer. He works at …. factory.

5.                 This is … good book. Take …book from …. table.

6.                 This is … big tree in … garden.

Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary

1.                 This …girl is …big. She is …pupil. She is …good pupil.

2.                 My mother is not … seller. She is …secretary.

3.                 My Grandpa has got … six … horses and … one …rabbit.

4.                 …second lesson is Art.

5.                 My brother has got … lot of …flowers.

6.                 There is no …chair in … room.

Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary

1. There is … picture on wall.

2. There are … eighteen boys in … room.

3. I see … sun in … sky.

4. … Dnieper is … very long river.

5. There are no … felt- tip pens on … desk.

6. Roman has got … pen. … pen is in her hand.

Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary

1.                 I have got … four … Ukrainian … books.

These … books are on the shelves.

2.                 Ira has got … two … pears: … one … pear is for her … cousin, … one … pear is for … her … sister, and … one …pear is for … her … brother.

3.                 I have got … aunt. My … aunt has got … new car.

This … car is … red.

4.                 She is … teacher. She is at … school.

She has got five lessons on Fridays.

… first lesson is English.

5.                 This is  … my … house.

I have got … a lot of … beds in … my … house.

6.                 We have got … a lot of … magazines at home.

My … magazines are … on …desk.

Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary

1.                 It is … little kitten. … kitten is … red.

2.                 I see … woman. …woman is … pretty.

3.                 I see … lion in … zoo. … lion is … big and … angry.

4.                 I see … black … cat. … cat has … kittens. …kittens … funny.

5.                 There is … orange on … plate. … plate is white.

6.                 It is … little rabbit … rabbit is … black.

Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary

1.                 I have got … bicycle. … bicycle is black.

 My … friend has no … bicycle.

2.                 We wrote … dictation yesterday.

… dictation was long.

3.                 She has got … daughters. and one … son.

Her … son is … pupil.

4.                 I got … letter from my … friend yesterday …letter was interesting.

5.                 I can see three … boys. … boys are playing.

6.                 He hasn’t got … car. But he’s got … computer. …computer is new.

 Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary

1.                 Is there … bus stop near … building.

2.                 We have got … big dog. …dog is very clever.

3.                 This is … tree and that is not … tree.

It’s … bush.

4.                 My sister is at …work. She is … secretary.

5.                 There was … beautiful flower in this … vase yesterday.

6.                 I see … bottle of … apple … juice on … kitchen table.

Put in a/ an or  the  where necessary

1.                 This is … my book. And that is … your … book. My … book is on … my … desk.

Your … book is in  … your … bag. Take … book, please, and put it on … your …desk!

2.                 It is … pencil. This … pencil is … red. And that’s … pen. …pen is … blue.

3.                 This is … her … copybook and that is … his copybook. Her … copybook is … clean. His  … copybook is … dirty.

4.                 This … boy is … little. He is … seven. He is … pupil. He has got … bag in … his …hand. …bag is …big and …black.

5.                 Look! This is … room. …window is open. …door is shut. …room is … big and … clean.

6.                 Look at … this …picture. What can you see in it? I see … house, … pond and … duck. … pond is …blue. …duck is …yellow. … house is … write.


T H E  N O U N

Circle the correct option

1.A lamp:

a)lamps;   b)lampes.

2.A bench:

a)benchs;   b)benches.

3.A lunch:

a)lunches;   b)lunchs.

4.A bush:

a)bushes;   b)bushs.

5.A pen:

a)pens;   b)penes.

6.A pencil:

a)pencilies;   b)pencils.


1.A book:

a)books;   b)bookes.

2.A potato:

a)potatos;   b)potatoes.

3.A dish:

a)dishes;   b)dishs.

4.A chair:

a)chairs;   b)chaires.

5.A chick:

a)chicks;   b)chickes.

6.A yard:

a)yardes;   b)yards.


Circle the correct option

1.A garden:

a)gardens;   b)gardenes.

2.A girl:



3.A boy:



4.A carpet:

a)carpetes;   b)carpets.

5.A tomato:

a)tomatoes;   b)tomatos.

6.A room:




1.A man:

a)mans;                 b)men; 


2.A woman:

a)women; b)womans;   c)womanes.

3.A child:

a)childs; b)childes;   c)children.

4.A goose:

a)geese;   b)gooses;   c)geeses.

5.A foot:

a)foots;   b)feet;  


6.A country:

a)countrys;   b)countries;   c)countryes.


Circle the correct option

1.A story:

a)storys;   b)storyes;   c)stories.

2.A shelf:

a)shelfs;   b)shelfes;   c)shelves.

3.An army:

a)armys;   b)armyes;   c)armies.

4.A tooth:

a)toothes;   b)tooths;   c)teeth.

5.A day:

a)days;   b)dayes;   c)daies.

6.A leaf:

a)leafs;   b)leaves;   c)leafes.


1.A wolf:

a)wolves;   b)wolfs;   c)wolfes.

2.A scarf:

a)scarfs;   b)scarves;   c)scarfes.

3.A city:

a)cities;   b)citys; 


4.A mouse:

a)mousse;   b)mice;


5.A baby:

a)babys;   b)babies;   c)babyes.

6.A sheep:

a)sheep;   b)sheeps;   c)sheepes.



T H E  P O S S E S S I V E  C A S E

Choose the correct variant

1.                 Лампа Ніни- _____

a)Ninas doll

b)Nina lamps

c)Ninas’ look

d)Nina’s lamp

2.                 Стіл дітей- _____

a) child’s chair

b) babys top

c)children’s table

d)children sofa

3.                 Трава корови- _____

a) goat’s coal

b) cow’s grass

с) cat’s ground

d) green cows

4.                 Книжка хлопчиків- _____

a) boys’ book

b) boys’ book

с) boy’s books

d) boys books

5.                 Слова вчителя- _____

a) teacher’s words

b) teacher’s word

с) teacher word

d) teachers words

6.                 Завдання учнів-_____

a) pupil task

b) pupil’s task

с) pupil tasks

d) pupils’ task


Choose the correct variant

1.                 Казки бабусі- _____

a) mother’s tales


fairy- tales


fairy- tales

d)grandmother’s           fairy- tales

2.                 Зошити учнів-_____

a) pupils’ copy-books

b) pupil copy-books

с) pupil’s copy-books

d) pupil copy-book

3.                 Волосся Іри-_____

a) Iras hair

b) Ira’s hairs

с) Ira’s hair

d) Iras’ hair

4.                 Машина тата-_____

a) father’s car

b) father’s cars

с) fathers’ car

d) fathers car

5.                 Мамин чай-_____

a) mother tea

b) mother’s tea

с) mother’s teas

d) mother’s tea

6. Сукні дівчаток-_____

a) girls’ dress

b) girls’ dresses

с) girl’s dress

d) girls’ dresses

Choose the correct word- combinations and

complete the sentences

1.                 That is (the food of the dog/ the dog’s food).

2.                 (The ears of the cat/ the cat’s ears) are short



Завдання для тематичного


(для учнів 4 класу)



Unit 1 "Household chores"

Variant I

I. До наступних речень склади спеціальні запитання, що починаються поданими в дужках питальними словами.

1) Three girls are watching TV at home. (how many, who, what, where)

2) Victor is riding his brother's bicycle in the yard. (who, whose, what, where)

3) Alice's grandfather is reading a newspaper in his room. (who, whose, what, where)

II. Встав some або any.

1) I haven't got ____ money. Give me ______ money, please.

2) They haven't got ______ children.

3) She likes ______ apples.

4) Do you have ______ salt in the soup?

5) There is _______ water in my glass. I'd like to drink.

III. Склади речення і запиши їх.

1) feeds, always, Tom, eat, his.

2) oil, bottles, of, two, are, table, there, on, the.

3) fridge, milk, some, in, the, is, there.

4) pocket, there, not, are, sweets, any, my, in.

IV. Об’єднай слова лівого та правого стовпчиків у словосполучення.

1) a plate of                        a) coffee

2) a cup of                          b) cookies

3) a box of                           c) eggs

4) a dozen of              d) soup

5) a kilogram of                  e) meat

6) a jug of                           f) wine

V. Переклади англійською мовою і запиши.

1. Давай помиємо посуд.

2. Моя мама часто провітрює кімнату.

3. Вдома немає олії.

4. Дівчинка завжди годує улюбленцю увечері.

5. Він лагодить речі в будинку?

Test 1

Unit 1 "Household chores"

Variant IІ

I. До наступних речень склади спеціальні запитання, що починаються поданими в дужках питальними словами.

1) Ten boys are playing football in the school yard. (who, how many, what, where)

2) My uncle is driving a taxi now. (who, whose, what)

3) Borys is reading a book to his little brother now. (who, whose, what, whom)

II. Встав some або any.

1) There are ______ beautiful pictures on the wall. Look at them.

2) Can I have ______ more milk?

3) I’m thirsty. Give me ______ tea, please.

4) I’ve got ______ oranges, but I haven’t got apples.

5) Are there _______ people in this room?.

III. Склади речення і запиши їх.

1) some, jar, the, cream, is, in, there.

2) basket, bananas, there, are, the, in, some.

3) morning, my, ironing, does, the, in, the, sister.

4) every, boys, the, walk, the, pet, afternoon.

IV. Об’єднай слова лівого та правого стовпчиків у словосполучення.

1) a bar of                           a) crisps

2) a pack of                         b) tea

3) a can of                          c) chocolate

4) a bottle of                       d) juice

5) a jar of                                    e) jam

6) a box of                           f) cola

V. Переклади англійською мовою і запиши.

1. У холодильнику декілька сосисок.

2. Давай підемо в магазин. Я голодний.

3. В мене немає грошей.

4. Моя бабуся втомлена і я хочу допомогти їй.

5. Що ти робиш? Я поливаю квіти.

Test 2

Unit 2 "Englishmen’s home"

Variant I

I. Переклади речення на англійську мову.

1) Ввімкніть пилосос, будь-ласка.                              4) Не відключайте газ.

2) Вимкніть світло в кухні.                                        5) Закрийте двері.

3) Ввімкніть пральну машину.

II. Склади діалог, поставивши подані речення в правильному порядку.

o       Do you know anything about traditional English homes?

o       How many floors are usually in the English house?

o       Please, tell me something about it!

o       Two floors.

o       Yes, I do.

o       Lots of Englishmen live in their own houses.

III. Встав необхідні за змістом слова у речення: above, in the middle, in the corner, under, behind.

1) There is a TV _______ of the room.

2) There is a bag ______ the desk.

3) There is a lamp _______ the table.

4) There is a little table ________ of the two armchairs.

5) There is a cat ______ of the box.

IV. Знайди слова за значенням.

Чудовий, камін, навколо, дзеркало, вимикати, нагорі, шафа для одягу

Fireplace –                                       Wonderful –

Mirror –                                  Around –

Switch off –                                      Wardrobe –

V. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1. Do you live in the country or in the city?

2. Have you got a house or a flat?

3. Is there a fireplace in your room?

4. How many rooms have you got?

5. What is there in your bedroom?


Test 2

Unit 2 "Englishmen’s home"

Variant II

I. Переклади речення на англійську мову.

1) Візьміть книгу з книжкової шафи.                        4) Не вмикайте пилосос у кухні.

2) Не вмикайте світло у вітальні.                             5) Відкрийте вікно.

3) Пройдіть до каміну, будь-ласа.

II. Склади діалог, поставивши подані речення в правильному порядку.

o       What do you know about traditional English homes?

o       Do people in Britain prefer to live in the flats or in the houses?

o       Many people in Britain like to live in their own houses.

o       A lot of information.

o       Are there usually 2 or 3 floors in the English house?

o       There are usually 2 floors in the English house.

III. Встав необхідні за змістом слова у речення: above, in the middle, in the corner, under, behind.

1) There is a TV _______ of the room.

2) There is a table ______ of the room.

3) There is a fireplace _______ the armchairs.

4) There are two lamps ________ of the bed.

5) There is a calendar on the wall ______  the lamp.

IV. Знайди слова за значенням.

In the corner

Вітальня, ключ, внизу, в кутку, меблі, книжкова шафа, в місті

 –                        Key –

Living-room –                         Downstairs –

Bookcase –                              In the town –


V. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1. What is there in your living-room?

2. What can you see in the wall?

3. Is there a TV in the living- room?

4. How many wardrobes are there in the bedroom?

5. Is the furniture new in the bedroom?

Test 3

Unit 3 "Around the City"

Variant I

I. Вибери і обведи літеру правильного варіанта репліки.

1) Good morning.

a) Thank you!                     b) Morning.

2) May I go with you.

a) Sure!                             b) Yes, it is.

3) Is the theatre far from your house?

a) Yes, it is.                         b) Yes, there is.

4) Which bus should we take?

a) In the city centre.            b) Number 2 or 8.

5) Excuse me.

a) Not at all.                       b) Yes, can I help you?

6) Is there any café here?

a) Yes, it is.                         b) Yes, there is.


II. Заповни пропуски підходящими за змістом словами з дужок. У деяких випадках можливі варіанти.

1) You … finish all the work yesterday (could, may, can).

2) We … cross the street when the light is red (must, may, can, mustn’t).

3) … I go out? (can, may, must ).

4) Children … go to bed late. (can, must, can’t, may, mustn’t, shouldn’t).

5) Max … ride a bicycle very well (must, can, may).


III. Закінчи речення.

1) You should go to the centre of the city if you want to _______ .

2) Nobody should cross the crossroad when ______ .

3) We should take a taxi, because _______ .

4) You should go to the shop if ________ .

5) Pupils should always do the home tasks, if ______ .


IV. Розкрий дужки і запиши слова, використавши правильну форму.

1) The bank is the _______ (good) in our city.

2) The library is ______ (near) to my school than the stadium.

3) This is the _______ (long) road to the park.

4) Granny is the ________ (kind) person in our family.

5) Summer is ______ (hot) then spring.


V. Склади речення і запиши їх.

1.) along / should / you / street / go / the.

2.) feed / the / you / must / not / animals.

3.) think / then / do / first.

4.) way / the / this / shortest / is / to /gallery / the.

5.) bridge / this / Tower / is.

6.) must / you / not / enter.



Test 3

Unit 3 "Around the City"

Variant II

I. Вибери і обведи літеру правильного варіанта репліки.

1) Excuse me.

a) Yes?                                        b) No?

2) Is there any post office here?

a) Yes, it is.                                   b) Yes, there is.

3) Where is the gallery?

a) It is next to the cinema.             b) There is next to the cinema.

4) Is the school far from your house?

a) No, it isn’t very far.                           b) No, there isn’t very far.

5) Is this the right way to the bank?

a) Yes, it is.                                   b) Yes, there is.

6) What is this beautiful building?

a) Where one?                              b) Which one?


II. Заповни пропуски підходящими за змістом словами з дужок. У деяких випадках можливі варіанти.

1) We … play hockey in summer. (can, mustn’t, can’t).

2) Pupils …talk at the lessons. (may, can, mustn’t, shouldn’t).

3) Granny is sleeping. You … make a noise. (can’t, mustn’t, must ).

4) … I take a pen? (can, must, may).

5) … you tell me the time. (could, should, can, may).


III. Закінчи речення.

1) Pets should be at home all the day because _______ .

2) People in the street should not greet each other when ______ .

3) We should be kind and patient with our friends, if _______ .

4) Girls should buy dresses at the shop before ________ .

5) I should go into the phone box, if ______ .


IV. Розкрий дужки і запиши слова, використавши правильну форму.

1) The bank is the _______ (good) in our city.

2) The library is ______ (near) to my school than the stadium.

3) This is the _______ (long) road to the park.

4) Granny is the ________ (kind) person in our family.

5) Summer is ______ (hot) then spring.


V. Склади речення і запиши їх.

1.) next / should / stop / off / at / get / you / the.

2.) capital / the / London / is / Great Britain / of.

3.) a / town / city / is / bigger / than.

4.) the /cinema / the / museum / opposite / is.

5.) village / should / centre / off / in / get.



Test 4

Unit 4 "At your service"

Variant I

I. Напиши словами, котра година

















II. Заповни табличку поданими словами.

Coat, dress, tie, sweater, suit, skirt, blouse, scarf, tights, trousers, socks, shirt.

Чоловічий одяг

Жіночий одяг


для чоловіків та жінок











III. Доповни речення, обираючи слова з дужок.

1) We can buy (flowers, hats, boots) ________ at the shoe department.

2) There are so many (cars, books, apples) ________ at the fruit department.

3) Children rarely go to (school, café, home) _______ alone.

4) My uncle is a businessman and he’s got a (church, circus, shop) _____ .


IV. Розкрий дужки і запиши слова, використавши правильну форму.

1) They sell bread.

2) He is in the garden.

3) We are very beautiful.

4) Poor people live in this town.






Test 4

Unit 4 "At your service"

Variant II

I. Напиши словами, котра година

















II. Заповни табличку поданими словами.

Raincoat, fur-coat, boots, hat, cap, jacket, sandals, shoes, gloves, scarf, bathing suit, T-shirts.

Літній одяг

Зимовий одяг


для весни та осені











III. Доповни речення, обираючи слова з дужок (clothes shops, toys shop, orange, flour, books, chemist’s, florist’s, market, supermarket, cinema, square, park).

1) We like to spend time at the ________ .

2) We can cook a cake using ________ .

3) _______ juice is very tasty.

4) You usually can buy magazines, but not _____ at the newsstand.


IV. Розкрий дужки і запиши слова, використавши правильну форму.

1) We don’t have supper in the evening.

2) My parents are not old.

3) You don’t like bananas.

4) They don’t close the door.




Test 5

Unit 5

Variant I

I. Знайди і виправ помилки у вживанні Past Simple.

1) Rita didn’t went to the computer club last night.

2) Did you be alone at home last night?

3) Did he studied French at school?

4) They write the dictation last week.

5) They didn’t spoke English at the lesson.

II. Переклади речення англійською мовою.

1) Софія приготувала смачний обід вчора.

2) Бабуся попрасувала Олесину сукню.

3) Я прийшов до школи о 8 годині.

4) Скільки уроків у тебе було минулого четверга?

5) Хлопці ходили на стадіон минулого тижня.

III. Встав пропущені букви.


G_t – g_t

G_ve – g_ve

M_ke – m_ke


IV. Напиши, що ти робив минулого вихідного дня. Запиши 6 речень.

My plan for the weekend

Last weekend I









Test 5

Unit 5

Variant II

I. Знайди і виправ помилки у вживанні Past Simple.

1) What you did yesterday?

2) I see a dog in the yard last Monday.

3) I didn’t went to the sports club last week.

4) Did you be at home last night?

5) What did you saw in the park?

II. Переклади речення англійською мовою.

1) Надія не читала цієї книги.

2) Хто написав цього листа?

3) Мій старший брат не грав в волейбол вчора.

4) Ми грали у комп’ютерні ігри вчора увечері.

5) Куди Денис ходив після уроків минулого четверга?

III. Встав пропущені букви.

T_ke – t_ok

G_x – w _nt

Wr_te – wr_te

Sp_ke – sp_ke

W_s – w_re


IV. Напиши, де ти був і що ти робив вчора, доповнивши.

Yesterday I went _________

I saw ________

I played _________

I spoke _______

I learned _________

I came home _______





Test 3

Unit 3 "Welcome Back to School".

Variant I

I. Утвори речення з поданих словосполучень.

To receive a letter                               to do the sums

to write poems                                    to sing songs

to read books                                              to play games

II. Напиши про себе, доповнивши речення.

I am …

I go …

I have got …

This is my …

I like …

III. Переклади англійською мовою і напиши.

Вставати - …

вмиватися - …

після школи - …

виконувати домашнє завдання - …

обідати - …

прокидатися - …

допомагати по господарству - …

IV. Прочитай речення. Знайди і виправ помилки.

1). He can ride a bicycle very well.

2). Can you to speak English well?

3). He doesn’t must bring his mobile phone to school.

4). May I take your pen?

5). Could I help you?

6). Can I come in?

V. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1.) When do you wake up?

2.) What day is it today?

3.) What time is it now?

Test 3

Unit 3 "Welcome Back to School".

Variant II

I. Утвори речення з поданих словосполучень.

Colorful pencils                           school timetable

early morning                              a nice pupil

favourite lesson                            chess club

II. Напиши про свій розклад у школі, доповнивши речення.

On Monday I have got …

On Tuesday …

On Wednesday …

On Thursday ..

On Friday …

I don’t go …

III. Переклади англійською мовою і напиши.

Чистити - …                             снідати - …

йти до школи - …                      розвязувати задачі - …

шаховий клуб - …                       допомагати по господарству - …

допомагати друзям - …             співати пісні - …

IV. Прочитай речення. Знайди і виправ помилки.

1). Max doesn’t can drive a car.

2). I could play chess last year.

3). His grandfather can cook very well.

4). He must write the letter.

5). I can to help you translate a letter.

6). Could you tell me the time?

V. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1.) When do you have breakfast?

2.) How do you help your mother?

3.) When do you go to school?



Test 4

Unit 4 "We are different".

Variant I

I. Встав пропущені літери в слова.

F_ _ mer,  t _ _cher,  st _ d _ nt,  se _ _ er,  d _ _ t _ r,  dr _ _ er.

II. Прочитай і дай письмові відповіді на запитання.

1). Are you happy?

2). Are your classmates sleeping now?

3). Is your friend’s dog clever?

4). Are you watching a cartoon now?

5). Is your mother kind?

6). Is your friend thin or fat?

III. Заповни пропуски дієсловами з дужок, уживаючи їх у стверджувальній формі Present Continuous.

1). I … (to read) a funny story now.

2). His brother … (to ride) his new bicycle in the yard.

3). My parents … watch TV at the moment.

4). We … (to help) our grandmother about the house now.

5). Look! It … (to rain).

6). Max … (to talk) over the phone to his uncle.

IV. З'єднай вирази відповідно до їх перекладу.

1) to put on                                  a) червоні туфлі

2) to wear a blouse                      b) на моїй голові

3) to ski and skate                        c) коротка сукня

4) a white shirt                                     d) носити блузку

5) red shoes                                 e) біла сорочка

6) on my head                             f) кататись на лижах і ковзанах

7) a short dress                                    g) вдягати

V. Із поданих слів склади і запиши запитання.

1) doll, is, your, wearing, what?                     4) he, does, job, like, his?

2) to be, what, want, do, you?                        5) dance, you, can, sing, and?

3) uncle, his, what, is?

Test 4

Unit 4 "We are different".

Variant II

I. Встав пропущені літери в слова.

S _ ng _ r,  w _ _ ter,  d _ _ c _ r,  s _ cr _ tary,  wa _ t _ ess,  w _ _ ker.

II. Прочитай і дай письмові відповіді на запитання.

1). Are you writing now?

2). Are you reading now?

3). Is your father tall?

4). Are you strong?

5). Are you father and mother working now?

III. Заповни пропуски дієсловами з дужок, уживаючи їх у стверджувальній формі Present Continuous.

1). Those little boys … (to play) a game.

2). Where is my cat? Oh, I see. He … (to sleep) on the sofa.

3). These girls … (to walk) their pets now .

4). Rita’s uncle is in the yard. He … (to wash) his car.

5). The pupils are in the hall. They … (to have) a meeting there.

IV. З'єднай вирази відповідно до їх перекладу.

1) a pair of skates                                 a) коротке волосся

2) a short hair                                       b) жовтий шарф

3) a brown sweater                               c) носити спідницю

4) a yellow scarf                                   d) коричневий светр

5) a beautiful woman                                     e) довгий шарф

6) to wear a skirt                                   f) прекрасна жінка

7) a long scarf                                      g.) пара ковзанів

V. Із поданих слів склади і запиши запитання.

1.) you, what, do, can, well?

2.) does, he, where, work?

3.) want, you, be, to, do, a, manager?

4.) father, is, a, driver, your?

5.) blouse, is, whose, this?

Test 5

Unit 5 "Home sweet home".

Variant I

I. Склади речення з даних слів.

1). Usually, cereal, have, I, milk, lunch, with, for.

2). Are, where, now, you?

3) The, who, is, kitchen, in?

4). Very, is, dinner, this, tasty.

5). Nick, alone, evening, plays, the, in.

II. Заповни пропуски, використовуючи слова з рамки.

apple     orange     water     bananas     coffee     cereal     milk     sugar     oil

On Sundays my brother and I like to make breakfast. I usually cook cereal, fruit salad and coffee. I make salad first. I take three …, two …, … and some … . Then I make cereal. I take some …, two cups of …, some … . And for coffee I take two teaspoons full of … and some hot … . I like Sunday breakfast.

III. Переклади речення.

1). Восени часто йде дощ.                     4). Дівчатка інколи грають в шахи.

2). Її тітка живе в Полтаві.                 5). Його дядько завжди водить таксі.

3) Ми зазвичай снідаємо о 8 годині ранку.      6).Мій кіт інколи спить на дивані

IV. Розглянь малюнки і запиши яку піццу любить Мері.

V. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1) Do you like ice-cream?

2) Does your friend eat sweets every day?

3) Do you usually eat bananas in the morning?

4) What have you got for supper today?

5) What can you make?

6) Does your mother like cereals?


Test 5

Unit 5 "Home sweet home".

Variant II

I. Склади речення з даних слів.

1). Is, hot, porridge.

2). Us, some, let, have, pizza.

3) Five, costs, hamburgers, hrivnas.

4). You, now, busy, are.

5). Take, to, sandwich, a, I, school.

II. Заповни пропуски, використовуючи слова з рамки.

fruit     cereal     toasts     milk     tea     apple     fish     meals


I like vegetables and … . For breakfast I usually eat some … and drink hot … . For lunch I have two … and … . For dinner I have some … and … . For supper I usually drink … . I enjoy my … .

III. Переклади речення.

1). Мій старший брат часто грає у футбол.

2). Мама ніколи не грає зі мною в комп’ютерні ігри.

3). Зазвичай мої батьки дивляться телевізор увечері.

4). Узимку іноді йде дощ.

5). Мій дядько завжди допомагає мені.

6). У мого однокласника є розумний великий пес.

IV. Розглянь малюнки і запиши яку піццу любить Джулія.

V. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1) What fruit do you like?                         4) Do you have coffee for supper?

2) What food can you cook?                     5) Does your mother like spaghetti?

3) What salads can you cook?                           6) Are the carrots tasty?


Test 6

Unit 6 "It’s my world".

Variant I

I. Напиши про погоду навесні, доповнивши речення.

It is … .

Spring is … .

The trees are … .

The leaves are … .

The sky is … .

The wind is not … .

The weather is … .

II. Подані слова введи в текст: eggs, are, friends, spring.

There ____ many holidays in Ukraine. My favourite holiday is Easter. We celebrate it in ______ . Red _____ are the emblem of this holiday. We invite many _______ for dinner.

III. Прочитай текст. Заповни пропуски, вибравши правильне слово чи словосполучення з дужок.

A lion lives in (America/Africa). It is (black/yellow/green). Lions are (strong/weak) and (beautiful/ugly). They can (run/jump) well. They (eat/drink) small animals. It has got a very (long/short) tail. A lion has got a (long/short) hair on his head.

IV. Переклади слова і словосполучення українською мовою і запиши.

Світить сонце, темні хмари, зелене листя, овочі, збирати квіти, йти до річки, саджати дерева, мій світ, зроблений з дерева.

V. Розташуй номери речень у таблиці залежно від того, яка пора року описується.

1) Birds don’t sing heir songs. 2) The weather is frosty. 3) It often rains. 4) Children can gather mushrooms in the forest. 5) The weather is hot. 6) Children like to play snowballs. 7) Children like to ski and skate. 8) The days are long and the nights are short. 9) We have May Day. 10) People plant trees, flowers and vegetables.













Test 6

Unit 6 "It’s my world".

Variant II

I. Напиши про погоду навесні, доповнивши речення.

Easter is … .

It is a great … .

People go … .

The leaves are … .

They make … .

People have … .

Thy like eating … .

They give thanks to … .

II. Подані слова введи в текст: wishes, to congratulate, baking, a party.

It’s St. Valentine’s Day today. We have ____ after lessons. Our mothers ______ sweet Valentines cookies for us. Boys and girls are making Valentine cards. They are writing the ______ . Our teacher is writing his speech. He wants ______ us.

III. Прочитай текст. Заповни пропуски, вибравши правильне слово чи словосполучення з дужок.

A giraffe lives in (Ukraine/Africa). It is (black/white) yellow and brown. Giraffes like (to swim/to run). It is a (beautiful/ugly) animal. It has got four (legs/tails). It has not got (hands/neck). It eats (leaves and fruits/meat and fish). I has got a very (long/short) neck.

IV. Переклади слова і словосполучення українською мовою і запиши.

Рік, пора року, осінь, ніч, рости, падати, гарна погода, створити колекцію, їсти фрукти.

V. Розташуй номери речень у таблиці залежно від того, яка пора року описується.

1) It is warm. 2) Children eat fruit and vegetables. 3) The sun is shining. 4) The days are short and the nights are long in winter. 5) It is slippery. 6) Children don’t go to school. 7) We have Christmas. 8) Children can lie in the sun. 9) We celebrate Mother’s Day. 10) The leaves on the trees are yellow.






















вчитель англійської мови

Турук Л. Д.










            Мета: автоматизувати 10 з теми «Одяг» розвивати навички говоріння,                   аудіювання, читання, письма, продовжити знайомити учнів із                         тестовими завданнями, розвивати мислення, слухову пам’ять,                       навички вимови, виховувати охайність.

         Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, картинки, картки, тестові                                  завдання.

         Методи та прийоми проведення уроку:

         Фонетична зарядка. Робота за картинками. Рольова гра. Мікродіалоги.        Зарядка. Тестові завдання. Читання. Робота в групах.

Хід уроку


         Учитель. Good morning, children!

         Учні. Good morning! Good morning!

         Good morning to you!

         Good morning! Good morning!

         I'm glad to see you!

         Учитель. Thank you! I'm glad to see you too! Sit down, please! Begin our lesson.


         Учитель показує картинки, за якими учні зга­дують і розповідають вірші:


1. This is а mother,

This is a father,

This is a sister,

This is a brother.

Mother, father,

Sister, brother

Hand in hand

With one another!


2. Look at the window!

Look at the door!

Look at the ceiling?

Look at the floor!

This is a window.

This is a door.

This is a ceiling.

This is a floor.


3. Why do you cry, Willie?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willie?

Why, Willie?

Why, Willie, why?





         1. Учні повторюють ЛО з теми (додаток 1)

         What's this? This is a shirt.

         What's this? This is a skirt.

         What's this? This is a dress.

         What's this? This is a hat.

         What's this? This is a T-shirt.

         What's this? This is a blouse.

         What's this? This is a coat.

         What's this? This is a scarf.

         What's this? These are shoes.

         2. Робота за картинками

         Учні повинні здогадатися, що зображено на картинці (картинки подані не повністю): What can you see?

         3. Гра «Одягни ляльку»

         Учні діляться на 2 команди, у кожної команди є своя лялька, яку треба вдягнути відповідно.

         4. Діалоги учнів

         What do you like to wear?

         I like to wear a dress.

         What do you put on?

         I put on a sweater and a skirt.

         What do you like to wear?

         I like to wear jeans.

         What do you put on?

         I put on a shirt and jeans.

         5. Зарядка

         Учні виконують команди вчителя.

         Clap your hands! Swim! Fly! Sit down! Hands up! Sing! Drive! Dance! Turn! Run! Stamp your feet! Jump!

         6. Повторення ЛО з теми «Кольори-прикметники»

         а) учні стають в коло, передають один одно­му кубик і називають кольори англійською мовою;

         б) робота за картками: учням треба розфарбувати картинки та скласти діалоги за картинкою.

         Приклад діалогу

         What’s it?

         This is a T-shirt.

         What colour is this T-shirt?

         It's brown.

         What's this?

         This is a blouse.

         What colour is this blouse?

         It's pink.

         7. Тестові завдання

         а) Вставити пропущену букву dre...s, sh...es, s...irt, jea...s, blou...e.

         b) Розшифрувати слова: S T E R H D І О

1)      (shirt)

2)      (dress)

3)      (shoes).

         c) З'єднати слова й картинки (див. додатки 1 та 2).

         8. Читання

         Кожен учень витягує картку і читає подані слова:

         Can till bee по box

         Cap red see go six

         Cat pot feet bone fox

         Cab sit steel rose Rex

         Camp bell teeth nose tax

         Still lip good fly eat

         Belt hen wood cry meat

         Top cat took sky seat

         Frog bag brook my clean

         Tell tent look by meal

         Frost flag cook try leaf

         9. Робота в групах

         Учні діляться на групи, кожній групі дістають­ся букви, з яких вони повинні скласти слова з теми «Одяг».

1  група — T-shirt, cap.

2  група — jeans, coat.

3  група — sweater, hot.


         Намалювати свій улюблений одяг, прикрасити його і підписати по-англійськи.


Додаток 1


















         Додаток 2



















         Мета: повторити й активізувати лексичні одиниці тем. Удосконалити                     вміння складати речення з конкретними словами. Розвивати                           лексичні, граматичні, мовленнєві навички, пам'ять, мислення,                               фонетичний слух. Формувати навички читання та розуміння                            прочитаного. Формувати здатність працювати в парі, групі;                       практикувати учнів у говорінні, письмі. Виховувати любов до                       навчання.

         Обладнання: магнітофон, підручник, картки, зошит, мікрофон.

         Тип уроку: урок засвоєння знань.

         Підручник: О. Д. Карп'юк (3 клас).

Хід уроку

         Greeting and aim

         Good morning children! I am glad to see you.

         Now, sit down and let's begin our lesson.

         Our today's topic is «The days of the week. School subjects».

         Warming up


How many days has my baby to play

How many days has my baby to play?








My baby plays every day.


         1.  Vocabulary. Revision

         Look at the card with the word. Read the word after me.

         2. Reading

         Open your books, ex. 1 p. 55.

         Listen and read, translate.

         Vicky’s Favourite Lesson.

         Vicky is a schoolgirl. She goes to school five days a week.

         She likes music and singing. Music is her favourite lesson.

         Her favourite days are Wednesday and Friday. She has got Music lessons on these days.

         Now let's read the text «Vicky's Favourite Lessons».

         Do you have a favourite day/ lesson?

         What is it?

         Look at the text and tell how many times the word «music» appears in the text.

         Answer the questions.

         Is Vicky a schoolgirl?

         What lesson does she like?

         Why does she like Music?

         When has she got Music?

         What are her favourite days? Why?

         3. Pair work

         Students ask each other questions. Interview your classmate and tell about him /her in class.

         P 1. What is your favourite day of the week?

         P 2.1 like...

         ...is my favourite day.

         P 1. Which lesson do you like?

         P 2. I like...

         4. Physical Activity

         Ex. 5 p. 56.

         Музичний супровід

         5. Writing

         Fill in and match.

         Sunday            а) понеділок

         Mо___day       b) середа

         Tues__ay        c) субота

         Wednesd_у      d) четвер

         Thursda__       e) п'ятниця

         F__iday           f) неділя

         ___aturday       g) вівторок

         Make up sentences.

         goes, to, He, school ________________________________________ 

         Maths, likes, Bill __________________________________________  

         doesn't, He, English, like ____________________________________

         Reading, on, is, Tuesday, it __________________________________

         6. Speakining

         Make up sentences using the table

         Pair work

         P 1. How many lessons do you have on Monday?

         P 2. On Monday I have five lessons.









I have







         Read, match and say.

Maths        speak, read and write in English

Reading     jump, run and play sports

Sport         sing and dance

English       draw and paint

Art             read books

Music        count and do sums

At our Maths lessons we count and do sums.

            7.  Listening

         At School

         Jane, Bill and Dan are friends. They go to school. On Monday Jane has got Maths, Music and Art. Jane likes Music. Dan doesn't like to sing songs. His favourite day is Wednesday and he likes to count very much. Bill likes to run and jump at his favourite lesson on Tuesday.

         1.   Mark the sentences as true (+) or false (-).

         __Dan and Bill are brothers.

         __Bill likes to sing song.

         __Jane's favourite day is Monday.

         2. Circle the right word.

         Dan likes Maths/Sport.

         Jane likes to count/to sing song.

         Bill's favourite day is Tuesday/Wednesday.

         3. Complete the sentences.

The children go to ________________________________

On Tuesday Bill has got his favourite _________________
Bill likes to run and _______________________________

            8.  Гра «Ланцюжок». Робота в групах

            9. Complete the story

            We have got ____________, _____________, _____________ and________ on   Tuesday. ____________ is my favourite   lesson.

_____________ is my friend's favourite lesson.


            1. Homework

         Вивчити пісню, впр. 5 (с. 56).

            2. Summarizing

         Well! Our lesson is coming to end.

          Today you've worked very well. Ann was very active at the lesson. Thank you for your work.

         See you next time.



THE LETTER Oo. Урок у 1 класі

Мета:формувати та активізувати лексико-фонетичні навички з                                  теми, закріпити вивчені англійські літери та алфавіт, ознайомити учнів з буквою Оо, її фонетичним озвученням, написанням, розвивати слухову пам’ять, усне мовлення, увагу, навички письма, прищеплювати цікавість до навчання.

         Обладнання: унаочнений план уроку; картинки j підруч­ник, букви-мозаїка, мікрофон.

Хід уроку

         I. Привітання

         — Good morning, dear children. Sit down.

         II. Оголошення теми та завдань уроку.
         Знайомство з планом уроку у картинках

         Учитель. Сьогодні ми вирушимо у веселу подорож, у гості до букви Оо. Але зла відьма із замку ABC при­готувала нам кілька завдань, які ми маємо виконати. Наприкінці уроку біля кожного завдання 1, 2, 3... ви закріпите на дошці картинки J«funny faces», якщо завдання вам сподобалось найбільше, і L«sad faces», якщо не сподобалось.

         III. Фонетична зарядка

         Учитель. Разом з нами у подорож вирушає улюбле­ний Mr. Tongue.

         — Розпочати нашу подорож нам допоможе Mr. Tongue.

         Mr. Tongue не любить довго спати. Він прокидається раненько, відкриває вікно [w] [w] [w]. Погода чудо­ва, і він каже [а:] [а:] [а:]. Швиденько робить ранко­ву зарядку, прибирає в кімнаті, вибиває килим [р-b] [р-b] [р-b], трохи попрацював пилососом [t-d] [t-d] [t-d]. Подивився у дзеркало, а воно забруднилось, і вигук­нув [ai]'. Похекав на нього [h] [h] [h]. Почав витирати в одну сторону [au] [au] [au], і в іншу [іе]. Все, дзеркало чисте.

         Пішов Mr. Tongue на кухню снідати, п'є чай, але чай гарячий, він його студить [f-v] [f-v] [f-v]. Вибігає з будинку і збирається з нами в подорож, у гості до букви Оо. Але Mr. Tongue вирішив мандрувати на авто­мобілі. Гріє мотор [г] [г] [г]. Нарешті поїхав [d] [d] [d]. А ми будемо його наздоганяти. Are you ready?

         IV. Warming up 

         1. T. Askas many questions as you can in order to get as much information as you can about your friends.

         P1. What is your name?

         P2. Where do you live?

         P3. What do you study?

         P4. How old are you?

         2. Finish the poems having the beginning of therh:

         — Mother, father, sister, brother...


—Good morning, dear teacher...

—One, one, one...

—Three, three, three...

         V. Основна частина уроку.

1.    Інтерактивна гра «А microphone». Активізація структури «What is it? It is а...»

2.    Гра «Рухлива шеренга» (повторення числівників до 12).

3.    «А lotto game».


Stand up.

Hands up.

Hands on hips.

Hands on shoulders.    

Hands on knees.

Hands down.

Turn around.

Sit down.

         5. Мотивація введення нової букви

         а) Повторення вивчених букв. Іі, Tt, Nn.

         • Хорове опрацювання; письмове опрацювання.

         6. Введення букви Оо.

•       Історія про букву;

•       назва;

•       звук і фонетичний знак;

•       написання.

         Т. Mr. Tongue ще не дійшов, мабуть, десь зламався дорогою. Ми перші дістались до будиночка букви Оо. Що беруть люди у гості?

         Р1. Подарунки.

            Т. І ми взяли багато ORANGES. Нас зустрічають OLEG і 0LENKA. Вони нам покажуть, де живе мама О І дитинка о, хто з ними ще живе.

         Отже, буква Оо живе біля великого, синього OCEAN, де живе OLD OCTUPUS. OPEN двері і ми бачимо, що тут живе OWL-сова, ОАК-дуб, OSTRICH-страус. Настав час подивитись, як пишеться, вимовляється буква О.

         7. Введення та активізація лексики.

         а)       Складання слів з букв-мозаїки IT, IN...

         б)      Matching game. З'єднати великі букви з маленькими:










         8. Рефлексія. Підсумок уроку.

         Оцінка власної діяльності.

         (Прикріплення «funny faces» і «sad faces».)

         The lesson is over. Stand up.

         Thank you very much for your good work.

         See you tomorrow. Good-bye.








Урок- рольова гра «Подорож до острова Дитинство»

         Мета: розвивати мовленєво-розумові навички з теми «Hobby» з                         використанням рольових ігор, колективних методів роботи                          шляхом створення на уроці обстановки сприятливого                              психологічного клімату, стимулювати мовно-розумову                                    активність учнів, розвивати навички читання, перекладу,                                  аудіювання, письма, увагу, кмітливість, культуру спілкування                            англійською мовою, виховувати інтерес учнів до вивчення                             англійської мови.

         Обладнання: карта "Islands", іграш­ки, картки для складання діалогів,                            завдання для роботи в групах, мікро­фони, фонограми пісень і                      фонової музики, чарівний олівець та скринька.

Хід уроку

         I. Greeting

         A song "How do you do?"

         How do you do?

         How do you do?

         I am very pleased to meet you,

         I am very pleased to meet you.

         How do you do?

         How do you do?

TØPl P2 P3

         How is your mother?

         She is fine, thanks.

         How is your father?

         He is fine, thanks.

         How is your sister?

         She is fine, thanks.

         How is your brother?

         He is fine, thanks.

         T. If everything is all right, we shall start our lesson "Travelling to an island "Childhood"". Today I am not your teacher. I am a guide in your travelling to the island "Childhood". Everything is magic here (a pencil, a bag, a box).

         II. Warming up
         A rhyme

         Every day, every day,

                            little children like to play,

         Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

                            Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

         У нашій команді лише знавці анг­лійської мови, всі, кому подобаєть­ся вивчати міжнародну мову спілку­вання.

         III. Speaking Interaction.

         a) "What is your name?" («Чарівний олівець» — ланцюжок)

         b) Dialogue "Nice to meet you"

         Nice to meet you

         Nice to meet you.

         Nice to meet you

         Nice to meet you.

         Nice to meet you.

         I am so glad to meet you.

         Thank you. I'm glad to meet you.

         c) Merry go-round "Where are you from?"

         I am from England (France, Ukraine, Spain, Russia, Germany). "What is your hobby?"

         My hobby is painting








                            listening to music

         IV. Reading

         T. I know reading is your hobby. You have got a lot of friends. Masha wants to read a letter from her penfriend abroad.

All the rest will ask Masha questions. Text 1 p. 59 "English" O. Karpiuk

         V. Music Break

         VI. Speaking Interaction

         T. Children, we have a guest from the island "Childhood". She wants to ask you some questions about your hobby, school life, interests, pastime.

         A guest. Questions:

1.    What are your favourite days?

2.    When have you got English?

3.    What is your favourite lesson?

4.    Can you speak (read, write) Eng­lish?

5.    Do you like singing English songs and playing games?

         T. I shall complete small groups (1, 2, 3,4).

         Робота в групах

         Ask questions about your problems, school life.

         ...will be the leaders of the groups.


1. What is your hobby?

2. What is your favourite toy?

3. Do you like to play?

4. Do you like English?

         VII.Speaking Games. "Guess what", "Guess the animals"

         Робота в парах

1. Is it a domestic animal?

I. Yes, It is.

2. What colour is it?

2. It is brown.

3. Is it strong?

3. It is strong.

4. Is it quick?

4. It is quick.

5. It is a horse!

5. Right you are!


         Game "Magic Bag"

         Take your leaves and speak about ani­mals.

         Ex. It lives in Africa. It is orange and white. It has got a very long neck, a small head and a tail. It eats leaves and fruit.

         Ми наближаємось до острова "Child­hood". Sing a song "A new friend".

         I met a little girl

         Who came from another land,

         I couldn't speak her language.

         But 1 took her by the hand.


         We danced together,

         I had a lot of fun,

         Dancing is a language

         You can speak with anyone.

                                               Edith Segal

         VIII. Reading

         T. We are on the island "Childhood". We shall open a Magic Book and see a fairy tale "Three little kittens", reat it Discussion

         IX. Summarizing

         T. Наша подорож закінчилася. Ми повертаємось додому.

Ви були справжніми мандрівниками. Я ба­жаю вам успіхів у навчанні.

         Do more than belong, participate,

         Do more than care, help

         Do more than believe, practice

         Do more than be fair, be kind

         Do more than forgive, forget

         Do more than dream, work.

                                      William Arthur Word










Cвята та розваги


Мета: ознайомити учнів з новими словами і структурами, практикувати їх вживання, повторити назви кольорів удосконалювати мовну та мовленєву компетенцію учнів, розвивати навички усного і писемного мовлення, аудіювання, фонематичний слух, розширювати кругозір учнів, виховувати дбайливе ставлення до рідних.

Мета заходу:

·               практична: узагальнити лексич­ний матеріал за темою «Звірі»; удосконалювати вміння учнів із читання, аудіювання й усно­го мовлення; удосконалювати мовні навички; розвивати діа­логічне мовлення;

·               виховна: виховувати почуття дружності, відповідальності, культуру спілкування;

·               розвивальна: розвивати навички колективної роботи, пізнаваль­ний інтерес до вивчення англій­ської мови, пам'ять, мислення, уяву.

Pupil. Good afternoon, teachers, good afternoon, friends, you are welcome to our puppet-play, you are welcome, dear guests!

Nurse. Hello, dear friends! I'm a nurse. And this is a baby. I look after him. He wants to go to the zoo!

Glad to see you at the zoo, I'm the mother kangaroo. Inside my skin I have a pocket, I put my baby there to rock it.

Baby. It's so interesting! Look! This is a zebra. It has stripes.

Zebra Do you know that I'm very fast? There is a place in the zoo, That I never pass. I always take there Some fresh grass.

Elephant. Show me this place, I'm so hungry!

Zebra. Oh! Elephant! What are you doing here? Ok! Ok! I'll help you! But first I want you to recipe a poem!

Elephant. A poem?? I know a song. Listen!


One big, two big elephants, Three big, four big elephants, One, two, three, five big elephants And a little zebra!

I like to laugh and shout.

Hippopotamus I am a huge, hungry hippo Walking down

the road, Left, right, left, right, Walking down the road.

Monkey Where are you going, hippo? Your friends are over there! Follow me, I'll show you.

Baby. These animals are so funny, but it's time to say good bye. Good-bye, monkey, good-bye hippo, Good-bye all animals, bye-bye!


Goat. Hello, children.

I'm a goat.

I like to walk on a road. Little frog, little frog! Look at me! I have a big house! Oh, come and see!

Frog. What a nice house! I like it! I want to live with you!

Goat. What can you do

F r o g. I know a poem, listen!

What does cat say?


What does dog say?


What does donkey say?


What does cow say?

Moo, moo.

Cow. Moo, moo! What a nice house! Who lives there?

Goat. I'm a goat.

F r o g. I'm a frog. And who are you?

C o w. I'm a cow. May I come in?

Goat. Good afternoon, cow. We are glad to see you. You can live with us.


We have a nice house of grass,

House of grass, house of grass,

We have a nice house of grass,


P i g. Oink, oink, oink. What a nice house! Who lives there?

G o a 1.1 am a goat. Good afternoon!

F r o g. I am a frog, hello!

Cow. Moo, moo! I am a cow. And who are you?

P i g. I am a pig. Oink, oink, oink. May I come in?

All animals. Yes, you may. Come in!


We have a nice house of grass,

House of grass, house of grass,

We have a nice house of grass


Dog. Bow-wow! I am a dog. Who lives in a house? I want to be your friend.

G o a 1.1 am a goat. Good afternoon!

F r o g. I am a frog, hello!

Cow. Moo, moo! I am a cow.

P i g. I am a pig. Oink, oink, oink. Come in! Let's be friends.

Lamb. Help me! Help me! A Big Bad Wolf wants to eat me!

All together. Lamb, lamb, come here! We have a house!

We aren't afraid of Big Bad Wolf

We aren't afraid of Big Bad Wolf

Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf,

We aren't afraid of Big Bad Wolf


Wolf. Hello, children! My name is Big Bad Wolf. I'm hungry. Have you seen a little lamb anywhere?


Once I had a little lamb,

His fleece was white as snow.

And everywhere that 1 went,

The lamb was sure to go.

He followed me to school one day,

Which was against the rule;

It made the children laugh and play

To see a lamb at school.

Oh! A house of grass! Who lives in a house?

Lamb. Friends, save me! Wolf wants to eat me!


Here is a house of grass,

House of grass, house of grass,

Here is a nice house of grass


I shall puff and blow the house down!

Dog. Go away, Big Bad Wolf! Bow-wow!

Cow. Go away! Moo, moo!

P i g. Go away! Oink. oink, oink!

Wo 1 f. Help me! Oh, no!

All together

We aren't afraid of Big Bad Wolf

Big Bad Wolf Big Bad Wolf

We aren't afraid of Big Bad Wolf


Pupil. Thank you for your attention, we hope you've liked our puppet-play.


                                                                 Урок у 10 класі 


The role of music in our life.



-         to revise and enrich students’ vocabulary on the topic;

-         to improve students’ reading, speaking, writing skills;

-         to practice students’ listening skills;

-         to train students’ habits in group work;

-         to cultivate students’ aesthetic tastes, awareness and respect to the world culture;

-         to enhance students’ cognitive abilities and memory.

Equipment: tape recorder, records, posters, handouts.



I. Introduction

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls and our guests! You are welcome in this classroom. Today our lesson is devoted to one of the most exciting sphere of human life. So, I need your attention and cooperation.

I want you to begin our lesson with the beautiful lines of poetry:


What is this life if, full of care

We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass

No time to see in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,

And watch her feet how they could dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care

We have no time to stand and stare.

W. H. Davis (1871 – 1940)


T: Well, what is the main idea of this poem? Yes, sometimes we don’t have time to enjoy the beauty and happiness of the moment. But there is one phenomenon in our life and it would not be an exaggeration to say one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind, which can stop the moment of the beauty, make it immortal. What phenomenon am I talking about?

Of course, it’s art!


II. Warming up

T: What can we refer to arts?

P1, 2: Theatre, painting and drawing, dancing, architecture, cinema, sculpture and of course, music!

T: We can hear music in the cinema, at the theatre, while dancing and enjoying masterpieces of great artists.

 “Music can bring together all variations of colour and light” said Debussy.

Let’s listen to some pieces of music. Say, how music makes your feel, what colours it’s associated with.

(The sounds of Chopin Waltz, hard rock)

P1: This melody is refreshing and gentle. It associates with pink colour for me.

P2: To my mind, this melody symbolizes someone’s innosent life without any troubles.

P3: While listening to this piece of music I have a feeling of insecurity. It is like something dangerous is going to happen. It is of black colour.


III. Brainstorming

T: Your pictures are quite different. Why does it happen so?

P: Because music influences our mood and imagination and various kinds of it make us feel in different way.

T: Why does music exist in our life? What is it for?

P2: For letting our emotions go, for having fun, entertainment, for good mood.

T: What is music for you?

Ps: Music is happiness, universe, sorrow, beauty, dreams, power, history, thoughts…

T: What does music do?

Ps: It teaches, treats, inspires, ennobles, brings up, cures, enriches and entertains

Discussing quotations

T: Thank you, now let’s see what famous people think about music. Choose a piece of paper with the quotation and give your comments of it.


  1. Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence. (Robert Fripp)

  2. Music is well said to be the speech of angels. (Thomas Carlyle)

  3. Music is the universal language of mankind. (Henry Longfellow)

  4. Music can name unnamable and communicate with the unknowable.  

  (Leonard Bernstein)


IV. Monologue speaking

1. T: What does music mean for you personally? What music do you like listening to when you have free time? What kind of music irritates you? Make use of the following key words:

romantic, melancholy, catchy, soft, sweet, touchy, sentimental, passionate, breathtaking, overwhelming, dramatic, exciting, lively, moving, soothing, soppy, tear-jerking, cluttered, tedious, terrifying, thoughtless, complicated, tuneless, dreadful, annoying, boring, foolish, loud.

2. Speak about your favourite styles of music and their performers.

P1: As for me I prefer classical style.

This term is used to generally to refer to any “serious” music. That is music, which traditions are traceable, from the various 20-th century styles to Romantic, Classical, Baroque, Renaissance and medieval music. It also used to denote a style which emphasizes formal beauty rather than freedom of personal expression, intellect rather than row emotions.

Sometimes, as a synonym of classical music is used the definition “serious music”. Serious music is a wider concept than classical music. It includes classical music, folk music and jazz.

Its representatives are: Mozart, Beethoven, Vladimir Gorovits, Mykola Lysenko, Chopin, Louis Armstrong and many others.

P 2: I for one like Ragtime which stands for “ragged(torn) rhythm (time)”A wonderful mixture of classical European and African beat. This unique style was known as Ragtime and was played everywhere in the USA in the early 1900s by both black and white musicians. Ever since it was the musical theme in the film the “The Sting” there are few people who have not tapped their feet to the bit piano tune “The Entertainer”- the most famous composition of the American musician, Scott Joplin (1868-1917) an undisputed king of Ragtime.

P 3: My real love is jazz.

It’s improvised music. The great jazz musicians are individual players and not really composers. Jazz grew out of Negro Blues, ragtime and marching brass bands in about 1900.

Traditional jazz developed in New Orleans, a port in Louisiana. In the 1920s in New Orleans beautiful music filled the streets and cafes. The black and poor singers sang about their hard lives. The black music entered the whites’ culture changing the lifestyle of the people all over the world. The first well-known soloist and a real King of Jazz was Louis Armstrong.

The greatest composer of the history of jazz was one of the best band leaders Duke Ellington Everybody knows the names of Benny Goodman, Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald.

P 4: As for me there is nothing like blues

In the 16th century in the south of America people said about a person inclined to a melancholy that he was seized by the devils of sadness (blue devils). Later on this phrase was changed into a word “blues”, which at the beginning of the 20th century became the name of a musical style expressing both hope and despair. The first blues performers were the descendants of the black slaves. Few of them could read, less could read music. So improvisation played a great role both in music and words. The most widely spread was 12-timed blues. Usually a couplet consisted of 3 strophes: the first strophe was repeated in each couplet, the rest two were improvised.

The brightest blues performers were Bessie Smith, Luice Jordan, Roy Milton, Haulin Wolf.

The centre of blues in Europe had become Great Britain. Rhythm-and-blues is clearly traced in early records of “The Beatles” and “The Rolling Stones”.

P5: Nobody will deny that rock-n-roll is number one in the world!

In the 1950s Elvis Presley became the king of rock-n-roll in the USA. The music travelled to Europe soon. It was especially popular among the teenagers. The parents were really shocked by the music their children adored. The young people disagreed with their parents, wore jeans and danced to their rock-n-roll records.

P 6: My preference is pop and rock music.

In 1960s in Great Britain a new band was created “The Beatles”, the most popular group in rock music history. The Beatles revolutionized pop music, started a new genre.

Many people ask: “What are the Beatles? What is the origin of this word?” It came in a vision – a man appeared on a flaming pie and said: “From this day on you are the Beatles with an A”.

John Lennon (rhythm guitar) and Paul McCartney were writing simple songs and performing them so brilliantly that they gave a new impulse for the development of the musical community. Other members of the famous group were George Harrison (lead guitar) and Ringo Star (drums). Such songs as “Yesterday”, “Let it be”, “Love me do” (the very first single), “Yellow Submarine” made them the most popular band not only in Europe but throughout the world as well.

P 7: I am fond of heavy metal

During late 1960s and 1970s, the term “Heavy rock” was used to describe loud, electric guitar-based music. In the 1960s, Cream and Jimmie Hendrix were the leaders in this. In the 1970s, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and others were called “heavy rock” bands. But “heavy metal” was not used until the late 1970s as a name for this kind of music.

The term was taken from a song by the group Steppen Wolf, “Born to be Wild”, recorded in 1968, in which they sang about the “heavy metal thunder” sound of a motorbike. But it has since been taken by rock fans, and seems to describe very well a certain loud kind if music we all know and love now.

In the mid-1970s punk rock (a type of loud and aggressive rock music) exploded onto the scene and suddenly Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath Rush and others were out of fashion. In America Dutch-born Eddie Van Helen reinvented heavy metal, with his “speed guitar”, a style that has been very important in the music ever since.

The late’ 70s and early’ 80s saw a burst of talent all over the world. In Britain, Saxon produced their first album in 1979, Iron Maiden and Def Leppard brought out theirs in 1980.

   Listed under the title “heavy metal” now are many different types of music. Its influence is left throughout the rock world. Grunge, whose most famous band was Nirvana, is partly a mixture of heavy metal and punk. Heavy metal may be controversial (causing a lot of angry public discussions and disagreement), but it does not look like going away.

P 8: Rap music is very popular today with the young people.

American pop-rock’s newest major subgenre is rap music, an uncluttered (non-complicated) storytelling style that originated among teenagers in the late 1970s. Rap has been compared with a special kind of jazz, bebop (a type of jazz with complicated rhythm). From an underground street music in the late 1970s, rap has developed into a big business with at least half a dozen groups that sell more than 500, 000 copies of each album.

  The most important rap group, Run-D.M.C., has sold over two million copies of its third album, Raising Hell. The group has taken a strong stand against drug use.

In the age of music video, the most significant figures in contemporary American pop rock are not just singing and songwriting personalities but mass-culture icons whose powerful visual personas enhance their music. No American pop musician has more mythical potency than Bruce Springsteen, who for many has come to symbolize America itself. With his 1984 album, “Born in the U.S.A.”, which sold 10 million copies, Springsteen is rock music’s most expressive symbol of youthful American values since Elvis Presley.

Recent years have seen a healthy development of hybrid musical forms involving pop, rock, classical and international folk styles, many of which are marketed under the catchall term New Age.


V. Group work: matching idioms

T: We use a lot of musical words in our speech. Read the idioms and match them to their definition:


1. Music to my ears

2. Jazz something up

3. Change one’s tune

4. Offbeat

5. Call the tune

6. Tune out

7. Beat and band

a) to make something more attractive or exciting

b) To change one’s opinion or manner

c) unusual, non typical

d) good news, information that makes someone happy

e) ignore somebody or something

f) make decision

g) very much, very fast


Keys: 1-d; 2-a; 3-b; 4-c; 5-f; 6-e; 7-g;


1. All that jazz

2. Sing the blues

3. Jazzy

4. Play the second fiddle to somebody

5. To march to a different drummer

6. To blow one’s own horn

7. To have a good ear for music

a) to take a leading part

b) et cetera and so forth

c) to be disappointed or disillusioned

d) to follow one’s own ideas rather than being influenced by the group

e) to praise oneself

f) to be subordinate to somebody

g) lively, active



Keys: 1-b; 2-c; 3-g; 4-f; 5-d; 6-e; 7-a;


VI. Listening

Pre-listening task: Listen to the following text and say why Louis Armstrong is called a powerful symbol of America.

While-listening task: Say if the following statements are true or false


1. Armstrong belongs to no single group of people, to no individual.

2. Armstrong is an Americas violinist and composer, a “king” of the New Orleans jazz style.

3. He was born into acute poverty in New Orleans

4. Some of his admirers didn’t like the roles that he played in the pictures.

5. To some, Armstrong simply was showing the world the exuberance with which New Orleans musicians have entertained audience since the sunset of jazz.

6. In 1969, three years before his death, Armstrong lamented the place he had been accorded in American popular culture.

7. Louis Armstrong wrote his famous letter to the former president of the USA, Dwight D. Eisenhower in defence of the black kids.

8. American culture began to rediscover how much he had contributed into it.


Keys: 1T; 2F; 3T; 4T; 5F; 6F; 7T; 8T.


Louis Armstrong


“By now, Armstrong belongs to no single group of people, to no individual. He’s a powerful symbol of America – the quintessential story of someone who rose to greatness from difficult beginnings, someone who plays a music that couldn’t have been invented anywhere in the world”.

                                                                        (Michael Floyd, a musical critic)


Armstrong, Louis “Satchmo” (1900 – 1971) is an Americas trumpeter and composer a “king” of the New Orleans jazz style. He became the giant among all the New Orleans musicians, pursuing an illustrious career as a trumpet player, singer and entertainer.

He was born into acute poverty in New Orleans and later emerged as the exuberant symbol of an explosive new music, jazz.

People always saw Armstrong as the master musician he was. Some of his admirers didn’t like the roles that he played in the pictures. They felt that in movies he was an Uncle Tom. Granted, not everyone reacted that way to Armstrong’s prolific Hollywood career, which included appearances in roughly two dozen movies. To some, Armstrong simply was showing the world the exuberance with which New Orleans musicians have entertained audience since the dawn of jazz. Many people believed that Armstrong was pulling peoples’ legs clowning and grinning.

In 1969, two years before his death, Armstrong lamented the place he had been accorded in American popular culture: “I think that I have always done great things about uplifting my race, but was not appreciated”. Not enough people know about his famous letter to the former president of the USA, Dwight D. Eisenhower. In defence of the black kids during a great integration riot in Little Rock. As an American citizen, Armstrong spoke for his people, the Black.

The image of Armstrong – smile on his face, handkerchief dabbing his forehead in “Hello, Dolly!” is well remembered. He was returned to grace. American culture began to rediscover how much he had contributed.

Once again, music opens doors. And with passages of time, the image of Armstrong cheerfully singing in “Hello, Dolly!” seemed not an affront to the civil rights battle but a bitter-sweet portrait of a great musician toward the end of his life.



Quintessential      відповідний

A trumpeter         трубач

Illustrious             відомий

Exuberant             пишний

To emerge            виникати

Prolific                 родючий, плідний




To pull legs           клеїти дурня

To lament              жалітися

Integration              расовий

A riot                      заколот

Affront                    образа





Post-listening task: Answer the following questions

  When and where was Louis Armstrong born?

  Why do we say that he became the giant among all the New Orleans musicians?

  Did he have a prolific career in Hollywood?

  Was Armstrong pulling people’s legs with clowning and grinning?

  Has he done great things about uplifting his race?

  What kind of Armstrong’s image is well-known and well-remembered to the public?


VII. Reading

Pre-reading task: Was Louis Armstrong a famous musician? Would you like to be a famous person? What are advantages and disadvantages of being famous? Give your reasons.

While-reading task: Read the text and answer if it easy to be famous.


Is it easy to be famous?


Fame brings recognition and prosperity. Crowds of admires, bunches of flowers, pictures and autographs, telephone calls… and a complete lack of privacy. Nowadays the celebrities are followed everywhere by photographers. Clashes between celebrities and paparazzi in pursuit of snatched photography are becoming commonplace and have led to growing backlash from public figures, who are growing increasingly intolerant of intrusive press photographers.

The Princess of Wales used to be prime and permanent target. Hollywood stars, minor actors and television presenters have suffered at the hands of the new breed of “stalker” photographers. These freelance cameramen keep watch outside celebrity homes and venues, pursue their prey on motorcycles and are increasingly willing to risk a confrontation to get a picture.

The actor Tom Cruise, who has called for laws to control the paparazzi, said that he has been chased by the photographers through the tunnel in Paris where the Princess Diana was killed. “You look at the kind of money that is generated for the newspapers and for these paparazzi – that’s why the paparazzi are so persistent”, he said to the CNN correspondent.

The market for pictures of celebrities had been fuelled by technological advances in long-lens photography and video cameras and by growing competitions between newspapers and magazines, increasingly willing to pay for snatched pictures.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver were ambushed by photographers and trapped in their Mercedes-Benz between two cars driven by paparazzi. The actor Alec Baldwin and his wife Kim Basinger were confronted by a photographer as they brought their new-born daughter home from hospital. The list of the celebrities who have suffered harassment by photographers is long.

In the past two years British newspapers become cautious about buying snatched pictures in an attempt to fen off privacy laws and preserve freedom. Most of the worst “offenders”, however, are freelance photographers, whose actions are beyond the newspapers’ direct control.



prosperity               процвітання                  an ambush            засідка

a clash                    сутичка                         a trap                    пастка

a pursuit                  пошук                           harassment  набридання

snatched                 компрометуючий                   an attempt             спроба

a backlash               різка відповідь              cautious      обережний

intrusive                  нав’язливий                  freelance      без    ліцензій

target                      ціль

breed                      покоління

stalker                     брудний



Post-reading tasks:


I. Match the words:

1. recognition

2. admires

3. privacy

4. commonplace

5. target

6. TV presenter

7. celebrities

8. prey

9. to be chased

10. snatched

11. to ambushed

12. harassment

a) телеведучий

b) компрометуючий

c) набридання

d) здобич

e) визнання

f) переслідуватися

g) попасти в засідку

h) відомі люди

i) ціль

j) звичайна річ

k) прихильники

l) приватність




II. Arrange the words into the pairs of synonyms:


1.     prosperity

2.     admires

3.     celebrities

4.     paparazzi

5.     intolerant

6.     permanent

7.     target

8.     a TV presenter

9.     a picture

10.  to be fuelled

11.  to be confronted

12.  cautious

a) famous people

b) aim

c) a photo

d) aggressive

e) to be attacked

f) to be increased

g) careful

h) “stalker” photographers

i)  lovers

j) constant

k) well-being

l) a TV host


III. Complete the following ideas:

1.     Fame brings recognition and ….

2.     Crowds of admires, bunches of flowers, pictures and autographs, telephone calls and a complete lack of ….

3.     Clashes between celebrities and paparazzi in pursuit of snatched photography are becoming….

4.     The princes of Wales used to be prime and permanent....

5.     The market for pictures of celebrities had been fuelled by technological ….

6.     Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver were ambushed by photographers and trapped in their ….

7.     In the past two years British newspapers become cautious about buying  ….

8.     Most of the worst “offenders”, however, are freelance photographers, whose actions are beyond the newspapers’ direct ….



I.      1-e; 2-k; 3-l; 4-j; 5-I; 6-a; 7-h; 8-d; 9-f; 10-b; 11-g; 12-e.

II.   1-k; 2-I; 3-a; 4-h; 5-d; 6-j; 7-b; 8-l; 9-c; 10-f; 11-e; 12-g.

III. 1. prosperity; 2. privacy; 3. commonplace; 4. target; 5. advances; 6.       Mercedes- Benz; 7. snatched pictures; 8. control.


VII. Dialogue speaking:  Choose a partner and discuss the topic “Being famous – advantages and disadvantages.”

IX Summing – up:

T: Today we have spoken about music in our life, your attitude to music, its different styles, famous musicians and the life of celebrities.

I hope, our lesson has given you unforgettable moments and enriched your inner world. Maybe someone will make a famous musician himself one day!

Everybody has only good and excellent marks today.

X. Home assignment

Write an essay on the topic «Music in my life». 

                                                                          Тестові завдання для учнів 10-11 класів

Cultural Quiz 1


Choose the right variant:


  1. Which is the oldest written language in the world?

a)      Egyptian

b)      Chinese

c)      Latin

  1. Is Boxing Day

a)      a famous sport competition?

b)      A day to collect empty boxes?

c)      A holiday after Christmas Day?

  1. Which is the odd one out?

a)      Heathrow

b)      Marks & Spencer

c)      Harrods

  1. Which of this degree is the first degree in higher Education in Britain?

a)      MA

b)      MPhil

c)      BSc

d)      PhD

  1. Which part of England is called Constable’s Country?

a)      The Lake District

b)      Essex-Suffolk border

c)      Cornwall

  1. Which of them is a tabloid?

a)      The Daily Mirror

b)      The Times

c)      The Independent

  1. What exactly is “the City”?

a)      the Bank of England

b)      a group of supermarkets

c)      an area in central London

  1. Which of them is not connected with the USA?

a)      The statue of Liberty

b)      The Union Jack

c)      The Stars and Stripes

  1. Butlion’s is a chain of British:

a)      supermarkets

b)      bookshops

c)      holiday camps












Cultural Quiz 2


1.     What was the first name of New York?


2.     On what rivers do Washington D.C. and London stand?


3.     What is the largest lake in North America?


4.     What are the largest British universities?


5.     What’s the nickname of New York city?


6.     What is the most popular sport in Wales?


7.     What country is called a “melting pot” or “mixed salad”?


8.     Who was George Washington’s Vice  President?


9.     Which American companies are called the “Big Three”?


10. In what country do the people most speak Gaelic?


11. What two geographical regions fought in the American Civil War?


12. What country did America buy Alaska from?


13. What state is Disney World in?


14. What are the four popular professional sports in America?


15. In what city were Paul, John, George and Ringo (Beatles) born?


16. In the legend as well as in the movie, in what city was Robin Hood born?


17. What is the national Scottish musical instrument?


18. Where is the tallest skyscraper in the world?


19. What is the national symbol of America?


20. Why do the Americans celebrate the 4th of July?





Cultural Quiz 3

Choose the right variant:

1.     Shaking hands with women is acceptable in Indonesia.


2.     Number 4 is considered lucky in Japan.


3.     Eating with left hand is taboo in Saudi Arabia.


4.     Arabs expect gifts to be opened in front of the giver.     


5.     British people drink more than 200 million cups of tea a day.


6.     Thailand a pale face is a sign of beauty in a woman.


7.     In India holy men usually wear white.


8.     The thumb’s up sign means “OK” in Argentina.


9.     Brazilians usually wear black shoes in the offices.


10.   Japanese and Chinese can read each other’s newspapers.


11.   White flowers in Japan are given at funerals.


12.   Mexicans are supposed to keep their hand on the table during a meal.


13.  Eating with your hands is rude in Malaysia.




Завдання шкільної олімпіади для учнів 11 класу



Answer Key to Listening Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students


Tape script 10



Sister Coxall had been running Violet Ward for many years. Her pride and joy was her own little office, scrupulously clean, its walls glistening with fresh white paint. She sat at her desk, her eyes unseeing. Who was this new doctor, anyway? Some silly youth fresh from medical school? What right had he to interfere in the running of her ward?

She had met him yesterday. He had driven into the hospital grounds and almost driven over her. There were plenty of ‘Go Slow’ notices within sight. Besides, almost everybody who worked at the hospital knew she walked through the grounds at that time of day.

‘Are you all right?’ he had said, getting out of his car. ‘I really wasn’t concentrating.’ He seemed embarrassed. ‘Er, Sister, I’m frightfully sorry.’

She couldn’t help smiling. ‘That’s all right, Mr –’ she paused politely.

‘Doctor – Doctor Green. I’ve just arrived, as you can see,’ he grinned. ‘I’m taking over the running of D Block.’

Sister Coxall noticeably stiffened. ‘D Block?’ she echoed.

‘Look, get into my car, and I’ll drive you to the Nurses’ Home.’

They sat in silence and soon were climbing the dingy staircase leading to Sister Coxall’s neat room. Once inside, she took off her cape. ‘Sit down, Doctor, I’ll make some tea.’

Sitting drinking the sweet tea, Doctor Green explained that he had always been interested in psychiatric work and when he had finished his studies, he had applied for this post in one of the country’s largest psychiatric hospitals. He had not expected to get the job, but he did, and without an interview.

He told her of the great changes and new ideas he hoped he would introduce. ‘For instance,’ he said, ‘the sister on Violet Ward has been working there for ten years. She must have lost her identity to some extent. Her patients must be more like children to her than sick people.’ He leaned forward. ‘You know, Sister, she is in danger of illness herself. Tomorrow, when I begin my work, I intend to move that sister to a different ward. She may not realise it at the time, but the change will do her good.’

Sister Coxall listened, a faint pink flush tinged her ears.

The day had arrived. She looked around her office. She was going to be removed from this, her home, and placed among strangers.

‘No,’ she screamed, and her fist came heavily down upon the desk, scattering pens into sudden life.

Sister Coxall’s mind began to work. Now it raced. Nobody knows he is coming here except me. He said he was going to stay at a hotel last night and was coming straight to the ward this morning, before reporting to the General Office. He had no white coat or identity badge yet.

A diabolical smile drew back the corners of her thin straight mouth. ‘There is only one thing to do,’ she muttered, and rose and went to the door.

‘Nurse,’ she called, ‘a new patient is expected this morning, a Mr Green. When he arrives, bring him straight to my office.’ She looked down at the empty report paper she held in her hand. ‘It says here that he is paranoid and greatly confused; he thinks he’s a doctor. Humour him, Nurse. I’ll prepare a strong sedative.’

Going to the cupboard, Sister Coxall took down a syringe and filled it with a cool orange liquid. She then took an empty file from a cabinet and began to prepare a written report on Mr Green.

She sighed. The ward was full of men, all confused, all insisting they were doctors. No one was ever going to take her ward and office away from her. No one.

   Listening Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students                                     


I. Look at the events of the story. They are in the wrong order. Try and guess the right order.

Write the corresponding order number of the sentence in your answer sheet.

a) Sister Coxall was in charge of Violet Ward.

b) Dr Green was interested in psychiatric medicine.

c) She met the new doctor.

d) He got out of his car.

e) She wondered who the new doctor was.

f) He nearly ran her over.

g) She offered him tea.

h) He gave her a lift to the Nurses' Home.

i) She listened to his plans for Violet Ward.

j) He had recently finished his studies.

k) She walked through the hospital grounds.

l) He got the new job without an interview.


II. Match each question with one of the answers below.


1    Why was Sister Coxall angry?

2    Why did nobody know what Dr Green looked like?

3    Why did she want him to come straight to the ward?

4    How do we know it was a lie that Dr Green was paranoid and confused?

5    Why did she fill the syringe?

6    How do we know this was not the first time she had done this?

7    How did Sister Coxall know that the person who had almost driven over her was new to the hospital?

8    Why did Dr Green intend to move the sister on Violet Ward to a different ward?



a  Because the sedative would make Dr Green easy to handle.

b Because she was only pretending to read from a report

c  Because the ward was full of men all insisting they were doctors.

d Because he hadn't been to the General Office yet to get his identity badge.

e  Because she didn't want him to suspect that the nurse thought he was a patient.

f   Because she wanted to stay in her job.

g Because almost everybody who worked at the hospital knew she walked through the grounds at that time of day.

h Because she must have lost her identity to some extent and was in danger of illness herself.



Reading Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students  40 tasks


In this Test you will read five texts. Each text is followed by 6 – 15 tasks. You should do the tasks following a text on the basis of what is stated or implied in that text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer and mark your choice on the Answer Sheet.



Read the text below, and chose the word which best fits each gap from the list below.




Trinity College was 1) ___________ by Sir Thomas Pope in 1555. A devout catholic with no surviving children, Thomas Pope saw the Foundation of an Oxford college as a means of 2) ___________that he and his family would always be remembered in the prayers and masses of its members. He came from a family of small 3) _____________ in Oxfordshire, trained as a lawyer, and rose rapidly to prominence 4) ____________ Henry VIII. As Treasurer of the Court of Augmentations he handled the estates of the monasteries                  5) _______________ at the Reformation, and amassed a considerable personal 6) _____________. Pope was a discreet and trusted privy counsellor of Mary Tudor, and it was from Mary and Philip that he 7) ______ Letters Patent and royal approval for his new foundation. Pope died in 1559. Although his religious 8) ______ were never fully realised - Elizabeth I had succeeded her sister and England 9) __________  to the Protestant faith - nonetheless the memory of his name, like his college, has endured the fluctuating fortunes of over 400 years. His wife, Lady Elizabeth Pope, was a particularly influential 10) ___________ in Trinity's early years. Pope's foundation was for a President, twelve Fellows and twelve scholars, all supported by the income from his 11) ______________ endowment of lands, and for up to twenty undergraduates. The Fellows, all men, were required to take Holy Orders and remain unmarried. The College Statutes set out rules for a simple monastic life of religious observance and study. The Garden was an informal grove of trees, mainly elms, amongst which the members of the College could 12) ______________ and meditate.



























































































































 Read the text and choose the best answer (1, 2, 3 or 4), according to the text

My friendship with Kathy wasn’t a perfect friendship. I learned very soon in our relationship that Kathy was jealous. We would have great fun going out shopping but if I bought, say, a dress for a party and she thought my dress was better than hers, she would start to say slightly unkind things about it. She would be keen to come out with me to buy the dress. She would give me a lot of helpful advice while I was trying on the various dresses in the shops. Her advice would be good. She would even tell the shop assistant if she thought the price was too high. I can remember one occasion when she said this and, to my surprise, they knocked the price down so that I could afford to buy it. The trouble would come later. When we were actually going to the party and we were both dressed up and she was looking marvellous (for she was very beautiful) she would suddenly say, “I think, Sarah, we were both wrong about that dress. It looks a bit cheap, doesn’t it!”

Once or twice I “dropped” Kathy. I told her I was too busy to see her. Or I told her I had to see another friend. All these lies hurt me because I had no other friend and I was so lonely. But they never hurt her. She just smiled sweetly and said she’d see me next week. And of course, within a week or so, I’d be on the phone asking her to come out. She never minded this. She never sulked at me and pretended that she was too busy.

Students always celebrated the end of the college year with a fancy-dress ball. It was a big event. But as luck would have it, Kathy and I had made other arrangements for the day of the ball. We had booked to go to the theatre. We had talked for ages of going, and at last we had our tickets. For us it was a big event. It was a musical and our favourite singer star was in it, so our hearts were set on the theatre.

Then Kathy came round to see me. Mother was in at the time, and I had to speak to her on the doorstep because Mum had just been having a go at me for seeing too much of Kathy.

“I don’t want that girl coming in this house and nosing around.” So I told Kathy I couldn’t invite her in because my Mum had a bad headache.

Kathy didn’t mind. She smiled and said she was sorry about my mother’s bad head. I was sure she knew what had really happened.

But she carried on smiling, and then she said: “I’m sorry, but I can’t come to the theatre with you after all. My brother’s come home and he wants to take me to the fancy-dress ball at the college. I can’t let him down.” I couldn’t believe that she would let me down. She knew how much I had looked forward to the theatre trip. We had talked about it together for months.

I was almost in tears by the time I had said goodbye to her and closed the door. My Mum was kind and understanding. She made me promise I would never see Kathy again. I agreed, and felt that was the least I could do by way of revenge for my disappointment. I told myself that I would never so much as talk to Kathy if I saw her. Our relationship was at an end. I would never forget what she had done to me.


1. When Sarah says that Kathy was jealous she implies that Kathy didn’t like it when Sarah



had fun going out.


managed to buy the dress cheaply.


wore expensive clothes.


wore clothes smarter than her own.


2. When Sarah was buying a dress in a shop Kathy would



start to say slightly unkind things about it.


do her best to ensure that Sarah made the best buy.


insist that Sarah should buy a cheap dress.


be keen to buy a marvellous dress for herself.


3. When Sarah tried to “drop” her, Kathy



pretended to be busy.


went to see another friend.


felt hurt and lonely.


always took it easy.




4.  “But as luck would have it” in paragraph 3 means Kathy and Sarah



had the luck to get the tickets for the musical.


were happy to have made arrangements for the ball.


were looking forward to hearing their favourite singer.


had by chance two events on the same day.


5. Sarah couldn’t invite Kathy to come in because



their house was in a mess.


her mother was suffering from a bad headache.


her mother disapproved of her daughter’s friend.


Kathy had come to their house to nose around.



6. Kathy said she didn’t mind speaking to Sarah on the doorstep because she




didn’t want to make Sarah feel uncomfortable.


believed that Sarah’s Mum had a headache.


did not want anyone to overhear them talking.


was in a hurry to see her brother.



7. Sarah decided not to see Kathy again because




her mother forbade her.


she couldn’t forgive Kathy.


her mother was disappointed.


she wanted to revenge for her mother.








For questions 1-8 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

The History of Man  


How long has man been on earth? Let us travel 5,000 years into the past. We are in the days before man  ____1_______ to write.



Recorded history  _____________2___________ yet.


Let us go  ___3________ into the past to 8,000 years ago.

We are in a world without cities or towns, houses or roads.



Yet there are people, about five million of them,  ____4_______ on all five continents.


They have cows and horses and they ___5_______the land.


To find the  ___6_______ man we must go many hundreds of thousands of years into the past.



The ___7______ true human being, Homo sapiens, appeared in Europe more than 50,000 years ago.



We can be proud of the progress the man  ___8________ since then.







You are going to read a magazine article about John Prince, a dancer, dance teacher and choreographer. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose the most suitable sentence from the list A-H for each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning.

Career success in the arts

John Prince, famous dancer and choreographer, gives advice on how to succeed in a career in the arts.

"So all in all I'm really happy to be a dancer!" I asked John how he got started and what requirements there are. "Well, to be a professional dancer it's useful to have had acting lessons or some background in drama. If you want to succeed in musical theatre you have to have a good singing voice as well. When you approach an agent you should take a portfolio with your CV, your statistics sheet and some good photos and reviews of past performances. You'll need dance clothes, ballet shoes, tap shoes, and even roller skates depending on what kind of show you are going to go for."

0          H

"Of course, you need to be extremely fit if you want to be a professional dancer. I dance or move about for about six hours a day. There are great health benefits to being a dancer. I can eat a lot of pasta without gaining weight because dancing increases your metabolism so much."


John has a very busy schedule in the next few months. He took time out to speak to me today from the making of a pop video to promote N-ergy's latest record. "I choreographed the dance routine for the boys and they only had 2 days in which to learn it! I am going to be working on a video for another well known band - but that's top secret. Next month I'll be touring Spain in a production of a musical that was written by a friend of mine, Michaela Evans.


As for the future, I've come to realise that I would never be content to be just a chorus dancer - I'm too much of an individual for that. Like all artists I'd love to become a household name by writing and choreographing my own musicals."

John was born in Jamaica to a Jamaican father and a Scottish mother but the family emigrated to England 20 years ago. "I have a little sister I adore, who is also training to be a dancer." How does it feel to have someone else following in your footsteps?


             Has he much more to learn, I wondered. "I've spent an incredible amount of my life training to get where I am. I went to college for two years in England, I trained for six months in Paris and about eight months in America. But you never really stop training or learning your art."


So, would you say it's been plain sailing? "I feel I've been lucky to a degree; many people hit problems breaking into the arts. It can be a vicious circle really. You can't become a member of Equity, which is the actors' and dancers' union, without good contracts and you can't get good contracts without being a member of Equity. My advice to people who want to get into the arts would be to go out into the world, and try everything else first.


What has a dance career done for you as a person? "Thanks to dancing, I've visited and performed in 23 countries so far. This has opened my eyes to the world, and I've been able to understand issues like racism and inequality from a wider perspective.



A It's fine, but I try not to give out too much advice as it gets irritating!                                         

B And if nothing you like comes out of it, then come back and be an actor or dancer.

C Without a strict daily timetable like this you find yourself wasting too much time.

D After that it's back to England to start a new term of dance classes.

E Hopefully this has enabled me to become a better and more tolerant person as a result.

F When it comes to coping with stress, I find that exercise helps me to cope with my problems, so I stay in good shape mentally as well.

G Like any profession where you're always travelling, you tend to acquire something new almost every day.

H Being fully equipped with all this stuff beforehand makes it easier when you go for auditions.




Read the text and look at the questions that follow it. In this reading comprehension, the questions are true or false.


Mother Fined For Son's Absences.


An Ipswich mother, who allowed her son to go on holiday during school term, has been fined Ј400 after her son repeatedly refused to go to school.

The 36-year-old mother, who can not be named for legal reasons, appeared before South East Suffolk Magistrates Court yesterday where magistrates heard her 14-year-old son was currently on holiday in Spain.

She told that court: "He just does not like going to school. Although he is getting better now and seems to be enjoying it."

The boy has had 145 unauthorised absences between October 15 last year and March 22 this year. His absences were blamed on a late-night life style.

The mother has been attending parenting classes voluntarily and told the court that she thought they were helping her.

Out of the last eight school sessions - there are two a day - he has attended five.

Chairman of the bench David Coe asked her if she thought she could get her son to school in future.

"Yes I think I can with some help," she said.

She told the court that he was on holiday during the time other pupils were doing work experience because he had not been given a place.


On sentencing Mr Coe said: "He is not in school and then he disappears on holiday. We would expect the local authority to bring this back to court quickly if there are further problems."

She was fined Ј400 and ordered to pay Ј50.

Yesterday's case is the second to be dealt with by south east Suffolk magistrates recently. Last month a 37-year-old was fined Ј50 after her son had attended just 16 out of 182 sessions.

And the cases follow national concern after Oxfordshire mother Patricia Amos was jailed for allowing her children to miss school. She was originally sentenced to 60 days' jail, but this was reduced on appeal.


1. The boy had returned to school when his mother was in court.                                    T/F


2. The main reason for his absences was the fact that he went out late every night.         T/F


3. The mother has to go to parenting classes.                                                                     T/F


4. The mother claims her son is not currently missing school lessons.                              T/F


5. The mother may find herself in court again soon.                                                          T/F


6. There have been other similar cases nationwide but this is the first in this area.           T/F


7. There was national support for the tough treatment of Patricia Amos.                           T/F




Speaking Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students



In this Test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three choose one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed.


1.      What do you think are the main dangers of scientific advances? What laws do you think we need to protect societies from these dangers?

2.      Have computers changed society for the better or for the worse?

3.      What would happen if you could become invisible whenever you wanted to? What are some of the things you could do that you cannot do now?

4.      What would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change your life?

5.      What would you invent to make life better?

6.      What would you regard as the most significant events in your country’s recent history?


7.      If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change?

8.      Holidays honour people or events. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honour and how would you want people to celebrate it?

9.      Because of developments in communication and transportation, countries are becoming more and more alike. How is your country becoming more similar to other places?

10.  Try to discuss the points about the Internet:

·                          What is your experience of the internet?

·                          What are the dangers of the internet?

·                          What impact does the internet have on society?

·                          What do you think will happen to the internet in the future?

11.  Try to discuss the points about Educational system:

·                          Does school prepare you for real life?

·                          What is Ukrainian educational system like from your experience?

·                          In what ways is English used in your country?

·                          How do people in your country learn English?

·                          Do you believe there should be a choice of private (paying) versus state schools?


12.  What do you know about the educational systems in other countries?

13.  How would you compare your living standards to those of your grandparents?


14.  What does "youth culture" mean?

·                          Which art forms most influence young people today?

·                          How much do young people influence society as a whole?

·                          Who are some of young Ukrainians' heroes, the icons of Ukrainian youth culture?

15.  Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

16.  In your opinion what factors contribute to a good movie?

17.        Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when technology was simpler?

18.        Should sports classes be sacrificed in High School so students can concentrate on Academic subjects?

19.        Computers can translate all kinds of languages well so our children don't need to learn more languages in the future? 

20.        Are you looking forward to anything in particular in Australia / UK / USA ?

21.        How do you think you will cope abroad?

22.        Living in a foreign country can be extremely trying. Talk about some of the difficulties, other than speaking another language.



Writing Test for 10th Form Students


1.    We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?

Write not less than 250 words.



2.    In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility.

What is your opinion on this?

Write not less than 250 words.


Урок в 11 класі

ТЕМА: Television.

ПІДТЕМА: Television.

ПРАКТИЧНА МЕТА: Навчати переглядового та пошукового читання, складання резюме на основі прочитаного, вчити аудіюванню з метою пошуку специфічної інформації.

РОЗВИВАЮЧА МЕТА: Розвивати культуру читання, слухову та короткотривалу пам’ять, слуховий контроль: розвивати уяву, вміння логічно, послідовно викладати думки іноземною мовою.

ОСВІТНЯ МЕТА: Розширювати картину світу учня знаннями про історію виникнення, роботу та розвиток телебачення.

ВИХОВНА МЕТА: Виховувати усвідомлення необхідності пізнання нового, старанність у навчанні, чіткість у виконанні завдань.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ УРОКУ: Тексти для читання «Телебачення», «Мильні опери», «Ток-шоу»;таблиця зі словами, що демонструють диференціацію коротких та довгих голосних; таблиця інтернаціональних слів; відеозапис уривку фільму «Москва сльозам не вірить» (розмова про телебачення на 32 хв. 25 сек.); аудіокасета з записом діалогу про найбільш популярні телепередачі; Summary List).



Т.: Today we are going to talk about modern world and to begin with I’d like you to answer such a question “How do you get to know things?”

(Expected answers: P1: We read books;

                                P2: We listen to the radio; etc;

                                PN: We see, look at, and watch)

T.: What would you choose between seeing and hearing? Why?

(Possible answer: Personally I prefer seeing because when I see something with my own eyes I can form my opinion on the events seen myself.)

So, it’s better to see than to hear. And I quite side with you. Now let’s watch a short fragment and try to guess what we are going to discuss at today’s lesson. Look at the screen. Unfortunately the extract is in Russian but Russian is just one more foreign language, isn’t it? (Перегляд уривка.) So, I have no doubt you’ve understood that we are going to discuss...(учні відповідають “television”) in all its aspects.


2.1. Brain storming.

T.: Think and say what you know about television

(Possible answers: it is very popular; there are a lot of TV programs; it has not only amusing but educational character as well; etc.)

2.2. Антиципація інформації тексту.

T: Now, strain your brain and try to imagine what information concerning the point we are going to come across while reading.                   Make notes.

(Учні пропонують: About the role of TV;

                                  About good and evils of TV; etc.)

Пропонуючи здогадки, учні занотовують їх у спеціальний «Summary List», який має наступну форму:





2. etc.



T.: Leave space after each guess so that to be able to make notes about additional

2.3. Презентація та опрацювання лексичних одиниць (технічних термінів.)

T.: Well, television is a technical device. And as far as we are going to read about it you’ll come across some terms – special technical words. But don’t be afraid, you’ll recognize them easily because most of them have the same origin – Latin or Greek and they travel from language to language without any significant changes. The word “television” itself is a vivid example. Look at the blackboard and guess the meaning of the words given. Be aware of the stress.

Вчитель вивішує на дошку список технічних термінів, які водночас є інтернаціональними словами:





(Учням пропонується прослухати слова з голосу вчителя та здогадатися про їх значення. Після цього доцільно звернути увагу на те, що в деяких з наведених слів наголос відрізняється від наголосу в українській мові та запропонувати знайти їх і прочитати.)


3.1. Пошукове читання.

Т.: Read the text and try to find the information supporting your guesses.

(Учні читають текст та знаходять інформацію, пов’язану з припущеннями, зробленими під час антиципації тексту.)


It goes without saying that television is one of the greatest inventions of the XXth century. With the help of TV people are able to see the far away planets and even enjoy a direct broadcast from the space. Television makes it possible to watch the splitting of the atom, the birth of life, the volcano eruption and even the earthquake.

But how did it all began? The history of this invention goes back to the end of the XIX century when in 1884 British scientists Iretone and Perry decided to use photo elements for picture transmission with the help of electricity. But they failed because generated power was too weak.

Working television was created when Lee de Forest invented electronic triode lamp which forced the signal. In 1926 Scottish inventor John Beard demonstrated the transmission of TV signals by means of radio waves: he got the picture of a human face. In 1929-1931 television based on mechano-optical systems came into developing in some countries. The father of electronic television became Volodymyr Zavorykin who created the first transmitting electronic tubeiconoscope in 1931 in the USA. In the USSR electronic television appeared in 1938. First it was only one channel with a limited number of programmes.

But television is not a stable invention. It has been still developing. In 1939 England had more than 20 thousand working TV sets. In 1953 the first colour TV programme was accomplished. But analogue TV features are limited by so called frequency line which is occupied by TV signal. It limits the number of channels and doesn’t allow improving the picture. Cable TV has solved this problem and increased the number of channels to 30-40 in comparison to etheric broadcasting. The latest invention is digital TV which allows not only to increase the quality of vision but “to pack” hundreds of channels in. More over, digital TV is interactive. Due to it you can ask, for example, for review of a fragment you liked, call any program from the media-server, and, as a perspective – adopt any program according to one’s tastes and needs.

The TV sets itself has also changed: from a wooden box with a small screen multiplied by a special magnifier to a high-tech plain liquid-crystal display. The number of TV programs increased greatly. Watching TV you can come across documentaries, news, broadcasts, current affair programs, soap operas, quizzes, sitcoms, dramas, chat shows, detective stories, sports programs, weather forecasts, music programs, game shows, variety shows, commercials, etc.

Television is a very powerful force. It influences people greatly. Though television hasn’t been with us all that long, we are already beginning to forget what the world was like without it. Reading books, having hobbies, entertaining friends or being entertained by them, even plain family conversation – all that belongs to the past. Whole generations are growing up addicted to the telly. Television is like a drug. But how do you consider it?


Splitting – розщеплення                            Analogue TV – аналогове телебачення

Transmission – передача                           Feature - можливість

Triode –тріод                                            Etheric broadcasting – ефірне мовлення

Mechano-optical systems –                        Frequency line – частотна смуга

оптико-механічна система                       TV-frequency panel – телевізійний

Electronic tube – електронна трубка                                           діапазон частот

Iconoscope – іконоскоп                             Digital TV – цифрове телебачення

Accomplish – здійснювати                        Review – повтор


3.2. Перевірка згідно з установкою.

T.: What have you found as far as  the role of TV?

     What about TV programmes?

     And the history of TV? Etc.

(Учні відповідають на запитання вчителя в режимі T – P1; P1; P3; etc.)

3.3. Пошукове читання – 2.

Т.: Now, look through the text once again. Find non-predicted facts.

(Учні читають текст та знаходять інформацію, про яку вони не здогадалися під час антиципації тексту.)

Т.: What have you found? What is the information?

(Учні мають повідомити наступні факти: -    About development of TV;

-         About digital TV;

-         About a TV set design;)

-   Kinds of TV (analogue vs. digital.)


3.4. Групова робота.

Т.: Have you managed to prove all your guesses? (“Good and evils of TV” turned to be omitted.)

T.: I want you to clear up the point. First of all let’s make groups. Count on one, two. Make groups of ones and twos. The first group will list pros of TV and the second one – its cons. Discuss and make notes. Don’t forget, it will be a kind of a competition. The more items you work out the better. The group that is first out of arguments loses the competition. In such a way we’ll try to judge TV. Start, please.

(Учні отримують близько трьох хвилин часу, щоб з’ясувати питання. Після цього групи презентують аргументи, називаючи їх по черзі.)

Т.: Now, your arguments, please. The first group.  The second group.

(В ході презентації виявляється, що аргументів «за» більше, ніж проти. Вчитель поздоровляє групу, яка перемогла.)

3.5. Фонетичні вправи.

Т.: So, TV is a good thing, a blessing, not a curse. And to prove it once again I want to draw your attention to an educational TV program teaching people to pronounce the words correctly. I offer you to make a list of words concerning one of mistakable points in the English phonetics. What can it be, by the way?

(Учні пропонують тему, яка, на їх думку, відповідає поставленій задачі. Якщо учням не вдається запропонувати те, що має на увазі вчитель, останній сам повідомляє, про що піде мова.)

Т.: I want to remind you about the length of vowels. In English they have long and short ones. Do you remember the anecdote when a Frenchman boasted about his voyage to Britain by sheep and everybody laughed at him. Why?

(Учні коментують.)

So, think and remember some words.                          Name them.

(Учні пропонують, наприклад,: rid - read;

                                                      Did – deed;

                                                      Mid – mead; etc.)

T.: I have more. Not only /i:/ can be long but /a:/ as well. Let’s try to pronounce.

(Вчитель пропонує слова на дане правило читання:

§        duck – dark;

§        luck – lark;

§        cup – carp;

§        puck – park.)

Декілька учнів по черзі читають.

3.6. Аудіювання тексту. (Reward Intermediate. Student’s Book. Unit 24. Tape script on page 119.)

T.: Reading the text you’ve come across a number of other TV programs. Listen to the dialogue and clear up what TV programs are considered to be the most popular. Put ticks in the list of the programs in the text “Television”.

(Учні слухають діалог.)

Francis: How about television, I mean, for example, I know that there are a lot of television channels, but how many television channels are there?

Shelley: Well that really depends on where you live. In cities there are dozens and dozens of channels that you can tune into.

Francis: Right.

Shelley: Yeah, but in the rural areas, er... sometimes you’ll only get the three major national channels and perhaps the public broadcasting.

Francis: Oh, really, aha. And what sort of, what about programs themselves. What are the most popular types of programs?

Shelley: Well, I think probably soap operas are always the most popular and in the last couple of years chat shows or talk shows have become very popular and you can watch a talk show, talk shows that will go on from the morning all the way  straight through to late at night.

Francis: You’re kidding, really.

Shelley: No, no kidding.

3.7. Перевірка згідно з установкою.

T.: What TV programs are considered to be the most popular?

(Учні відповідають: «Soap operas and talk shows.»)

3.8. Переглядове читання.

T.: Now let’s know more about these programmes. You have already had groups. The captain of the first one will be P1, the captain of the second – P2. You are to divide the text among your team. Every pupil will read only one passage and writes the title of it. Start.

(Учні читають і виконують завдання установки.)

Текст для першої групи


Soap operas appeared on our screen some 15 years ago. The first of them was “The Slave Isaura”- a touching story about a girl suffering from the oppression of her cruel host. It drew attention of thousands of people all over the country.

 It is necessary to admit that the film was unusual in a way as for our TV-viewers. First of all, each series of it was very short: some twenty minutes interrupted by advertisement. The other uncommonness was that some extracts were repeated for several times and irritated those who didn’t miss any part of it.

 After “Isaura” soap operas became a usual thing on our TV. First those were mostly Brazilian ones. It was the mixture of love and blood, laugh and tears, unbearable sorrow and immeasurable happiness. And soon the audience got a little bored of them.

 But Russian producers seeing their popularity with audiencee began to shoot soap operas based on everyday problems of our people. The first efforts were not a success because nobody wanted to go through somebody hardships, everybody had his own ones. So, the producers had to invent something not to loose the public. And they managed. They invented several kinds of soap operas. Now looking through the TV program we can come across detectives, dramas, love stories, adventures and even histories. So, everybody can choose a serial to his taste if wish. But the most popular are those combining the features of every of them: little love, little adventure, and little drama.


Текст для другої групи


Talk shows or chat shows came to us from the United States of America. To provide a show a very famous or a well known person is invited to discuss this or that problem or current events. First they had mostly political colouring and were held as TV bridges.

 Guests discussed political problems which could unite or divide people living under different political systems. Those shows became an exciting event not only in the history of television but made a revolution in peoples’ perception of the world around them.

 But soon the subject matter of such programmes began to cover more and more spheres of life: family relations, teen-agers’ problems, social problems, rumours, etc. These shows gained great popularity among audience. Some of them even have educational and enlightening character because different professionals such as psychologists, social workers, doctors, lawyers, etc. are invited to consult the hero of the show That’s why everyone who has similar problems can get the advice needed.

Analyzing latest political affairs in our country such as presidential elections and the events, they were followed by, political talk shows appeared to have taken one of the leading places in the row of different shows. That’s why discussion of main inner political issues, analysis of different political processes, various tendencies in political life gather more and more TV-viewers in front of the screen as everyone wants to be aware in the course of events.

3.9. Перевірка згідно з установкою.

Т.: Read the titles and the opposite group write them according to their numbers to be ready to ask questions for more information.

(Учні першої групи презентують заголовки, в цей час учні другої групи записують їх згідно з порядком абзацу.)

Т.:Now, vice verse.

(Потім – навпаки.)

Після цього учні готуються задати запитання, щоб дістати додаткову інформацію.

Т.: Ask questions about additional information.

(Учні задають запитання і, отримавши відповіді, складають міні-розповіді, намагаючись відтворити зміст відповідного абзацу.)

4.0. Монологічне мовлення. Презентація резюме.

Т.: Try to make up a summary on the opposite group program.

(Члени кожної групи доповідають капітанові про зміст своїх абзаців. На основі цих розповідей капітан кожної групи складає резюме. Після підготовки – презентує.)

T.: Ready? Listen attentively and the opposite group is expected to add some omitted facts.

(Учні слухають резюме та готуються доповнювати.)

Т.: What can you add? The opposite group will make notes of additional information.

(Після презентації розповіді кожного капітана, відповідна група робить доповнення до кожного абзацу. Група–доповідач робить помітки.)


Т.: Your home-work will be the following:

1) complete your summaries with additional information about talk-shows and soap-operas and be ready to share them in class next time.

2) write down your own stories about your favourite programme.


T.: Let’s make a conclusion. What have you got to know about TV during the lesson?

(Учні відповідають.)

Т.: Your marks are...

Thanks a lot. The lesson is over. Good bye. Have a nice day.



3.    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Write not less than 250 words.